Hacktoberfest 2023 @ Intuit: Maintainer Spotlight

Lucy - Oct 25 '23 - - Dev Community

As Hacktoberfest 2023 comes to an end, we at Intuit are excited to send rewards to our internal and external contributors for their amazing contributions. But before we do, we want to take a moment to recognize our maintainers!

Intuit has been participating in Hacktoberfest since 2019 by offering special incentives to employees for contributing to open source projects, and this year we took it to the next level by sending rewards (cool t-shirts!) to outside contributors to Intuit libraries as well. It’s important to remember that these contributions are only possible thanks to the hard work of our maintainer teams reviewing pull requests and keeping issues up to date.

We wish we could highlight every single one of our 130+ open source projects here, but here’s a short list of featured maintainer teams and their projects:

Graph Quilt

graph-quilt is an open source Java library that provides recursive schema stitching and Apollo Federation style schema composition for GraphQL APIs. The project includes a modular set of libraries with features including a Representational State Transfer (REST) adapter, GraphQL authorization, and a reference implementation of a graph-quilt gateway. There are even more features coming soon, so keep an eye out for updates!

Maintainers Ashpak Shaikh, Carlo Aureus, and Kyle Moore released a video demo and walkthrough on the Intuit Developers YouTube channel. Check it out here:

Ashpak also recently spoke in-depth about graph-quilt at GraphQLConf 2023. See the recording of his talk here!


numaproj is a collection of Kubernetes-native tools for doing real-time operation data analytics. Currently it includes numaflow, a massively parallel, real-time data and stream processing engine, and numalogic, ML models and tools for real-time operational data analytics.

Maintainers Derek Wang and Vigith Maurice recently gave a talk at All Things Open walking through how to build a large scale AIOps platform with open source technologies, including numaproj tools. The recording of their talk will be live soon on the All Things Open YouTube channel, so stay tuned! Maintainer Sri Harsha Yayi also joined Derek for a presentation at the Hacktoberfest Happy Hour we hosted at Intuit’s Mountain View and San Diego campuses.

numaproj is still a young and growing project, and if you’d like to follow along on the journey, consider joining the team on Slack, or follow the numaproj blog.


Player is a framework for building cross-platform dynamic experiences. The core engine is authored in TypeScript with specific adaptors to natively render on iOS, Android, and React. Start by supplying some semantic JSON content, where you can describe views, your data, validation rules, and much more. Add your own asset library to handle the rendering, and voilà, you have a full dynamic user experience.

Player’s maintainer team is one of our most active here at Intuit, and they’ve been an incredible source of open source energy, year-round. To see the library in action, check out our YouTube video featuring maintainer Adam Dierkens here:


Cello is an engine for Cloud deployments: infrastructure as code (IaC) with GitOps, with isolation from your Cloud provider, all Cloud-agnostic. It fits into any CI/CD system — Jenkins, GitHub actions, you name it. We developed Cello to help us manage our complex set of various IaCs.

Maintainer Jerome Kuptz recently gave a lightning talk demonstrating Cello’s features for a round of Hacktoberfest lightning talks we did internally at Intuit. We’ll work on getting that talk shared soon on the Intuit Developers YouTube channel, but please check out Cello’s Quick Start guide in the meantime!

Trapheus (and TrapheusAI)

Trapheus is a tool for restoring relational database service (RDS) instances in AWS without worrying about client downtime or configuration retention. It supports individual RDS snapshot as well as cluster snapshot restore operations. Modeled as a state machine, with the help of AWS step functions, Trapheus restores the RDS instance in a much faster way than the usual SQL dump preserving the same instance endpoint and configurations as before.

Maintainer Rohit Kumar recently published a blog post on Intuit’s Engineering Blog celebrating 3 years since Trapheus’ first release during Hacktoberfest 2020, and announcing the launch of TrapheusAI, a next-generation data search and analysis assistant that can overcome the challenges of traditional keyword search with powerful data analyses using natural language. See the demo here:


How could we do an Intuit open source software maintainer feature without Argo? Argo Project is one of our largest open source projects, with a vibrant contributor, maintainer, and user community. Argo is a collection of open source tools for Kubernetes to run workflows, manage clusters, and do GitOps right. The project includes argo-workflows, argo-rollouts, argo-cd, and more.

Maintainer Michael Crenshaw gave a talk on Argo CD for the Hacktoberfest lightning talks mentioned earlier, which we’ll work on publishing soon. The Argo community is also hosting an in-person Kubernetes meetup at the Intuit Mountain View campus.

This was only a tiny fraction of all the open source projects we’re proud to work on here at Intuit. Hacktoberfest may be drawing to a close, but the open source work continues through the rest of the year. Whether you managed to get a contribution done this October or not, we hope to see you out there in the open source community.

A huge, endless thank you to all of our maintainers and contributors for your hard work and dedication to the open source community. There are still a few days left in October, so keep those contributions coming (see Intuit’s Hacktoberfest incentives here), and Happy Hacktoberfest!

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