Analyzing a Dataset and Writing a “First Glance” Technical Report

Isah katun Adam - Jun 29 - - Dev Community

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The purpose of this technical report is to examine and identify actionable insights at “first glance” from the Titanic Dataset sourced from kaggle.
The Titanic Dataset has been studied by data scientists and academic communities for some time now and has continued to garner the attention of scientists. The data is about the tragedy of RMS Titanic; a British ocean liner that sank on 15th April, 1912 as a result of striking an iceberg on her maiden voyage. There were an estimated 2,224 passengers and crew on board. The dataset contains data of children, male and females.

There were more males on the ocean liner than there were females.
A Lot of the observations were missing the age field.
The average age was 32 yrs. (from the training dataset)


The dataset is very important in the analysis of determining who survived or not. Feature engineering could be applied to the dataset to fill the missing fields or removed totally. Further exploration of the dataset is needed to ascertain trends like the class of the passengers and if certain features determine the survivability of a passenger.

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