A plugin allows you to complete text and string fields in AdminForth using copilot-like hints.
Full GIF:
How to use plugin: https://adminforth.dev/docs/tutorial/Plugins/chat-gpt/
Plugin installation:
npm i @adminforth/chat-gpt --save
plugins: [
new ChatGptPlugin({
openAiApiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY as string,
fieldName: 'title',
new ChatGptPlugin({
openAiApiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY as string,
fieldName: 'description',
model: 'gpt-4o',
// expert: {
// maxTokens: 50, // token limit to generate for each completion. 50 is default
// temperature: 0.7, // Model temperature, 0.7
// promptLimit: 500, // Limit in characters of each field length to be passed to Model. 500 is default value
// debounceTime: 300, // Debounce time in milliseconds. 300 is default value
// }
To achieve Copilot-like completes, it uses vue-suggestion-input