The MoodScout, An innovative invention for those unplanned lazy geeze

JAI NIRESH J - Jun 22 - - Dev Community

This is a submission for the Twilio Challenge

What I Built

We have built a Mood Scout web application, which takes in your mood or "what you feel like doing, right now", as an input, and suggests you the best places according to your mood, around you with their directions, sent right down to your phone for easy navigation.

The AI catch of our application

Unlike the exisiting location finders, place finders, maps, blah, blah, etc.,
This application leverages Google's Gemini AI, in getting suggestions of places, according to the user's mood !
Whose data is then processed along with the geo location and returned.

A Simple Yet Innovative Idea ...


  • Twilio (Our sponsor)

Handling our messaging service, and delivering instant directions and links to our consumers.

  • Python 3.11

Used due to it's Robust and fast natured theme, and optimized perfomance.

  • Flask
  • Gemini AI

Our AI providing the life to our application, giving the AI'esthetic touch we need, in our place suggestions.

  • OpenCage Maps

Improved accuracy, on getting precise locations

  • Google Maps

The distance matrix api key, providing with real time distance, and time information between source and the destination.

The Architecture

Architecture diagram


Short video of the application

The Head

Our protogonist page .

The Protagonist

The content page, that lists down all the releveant places your mood would love to be.

Not to get deceived of the simplicity, but powerful!

The cameo

Using our awesome Twilio's api to send directions right down to our phone number :

The Feel Good

Here comes our directions.


Twilio and AI

The traditional fetch from API / DB is so boring, and redundant.
How about leveraging our AI, to pickup the scent of our mood, and automatically suggest places around us for the best feel.

Not to mention, our awesome Twilio's SMS integration, allowing a free flow of SMS to the consumers, for instant directions and sending other links.

Additional Prize Categories

Yes, our submission qualifies for

  • "Impactful Innovators" and
  • "Entertaining Endeavors"

The reason for "Impactful Innovators" being :
A lot of foreigners or ourselves when we visit a new place, or a city end up getting unplanned for the day, most of the time.
Our application, gets just your mood as an input via a web interface, and suggests you the best spots/places, to feel your best.

This is a must use application, for all those unplanned travellers, to explore a lot on every new place they travel to.

The reason for "Entertaining Endeavors" being :
Not only it does cover the spots like, temples, forts, etc.,
But also it can take in your mood to give you good pubs, drink bars, and fun activity malls, which gives you the real fun of new places.

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