Enhance Team Productivity with Microsoft Loop & Copilot

Jaime López - Sep 3 - - Dev Community

After a refreshing break, I'm thrilled to be back and sharing my favourite features on how to elevate teamwork with Microsoft Loop. In this post, we'll uncover three essential collaboration features and explore the powerful capabilities of Copilot within this platform.

Give me five at work by krakenimages in Unsplash

Together, we'll learn how these tools can streamline your workflow, foster stronger connections, and drive more impactful outcomes. Get ready to discover how Microsoft Loop and Copilot can revolutionize the way you collaborate with your team. Let's dive in!

What is Microsoft Loop

Microsoft Loop is a relatively new addition to the Microsoft 365 suite of tools, designed to streamline collaboration and facilitate the seamless sharing of ideas and information. Essentially, it's a platform that allows you to save thoughts, jot down quick notes, or even take meeting minutes in an efficient and visually appealing manner.

One of the key advantages of Loop is its ability to foster a collaborative environment. You can easily share your work with teammates, encouraging them to contribute their ideas and perspectives. This open approach can lead to more innovative and effective outcomes.

To understand Loop better, let's break down its core elements:

  • Workspaces: Think of these as containers or groups that hold pages and components.
  • Pages and components: These are the fundamental building blocks of your Loop content. Pages are where you typically organize your thoughts and information, while components are smaller, reusable elements like lists, tables, or images.

It's important to note that Loop is built on the SharePoint Embedded service, which means it leverages the robust capabilities of SharePoint to provide a solid foundation for collaboration.

Leveraging Collaboration in Microsoft Loop

Microsoft Loop offers a variety of features designed to streamline collaboration and make it more effective. Here are three functionalities that can significantly enhance your team's ability to work together:

Drag and Drop Content

One of the most intuitive ways to organize your Loop content is by using the drag-and-drop feature. Simply select a portion of the page, and you can easily move it to a different location. This flexibility allows you to rearrange your ideas and information in a way that makes sense to you and your team.

  • Tip: When rearranging content, be mindful of how you split it up. Ensure that the divisions are logical and that the reordered content still flows smoothly.

Microsoft Loop - Drag and Drop content

Boosting Content

To draw attention to specific parts of your Loop page, you can use "boosters." These visual elements, such as hearts, celebration emojis, or a focus icon, can help highlight important information or emphasize key points.

  • Tip: Consider using boosters to mark unfinished tasks, highlight goals, or emphasize areas that require further attention.

Microsoft Loop - Boosting content

Sharing Content

Components are a valuable tool for sharing information within your team. You can extract portions of your Loop pages and turn them into components, which can then be easily shared with others. This is particularly useful for sharing notes, tasks, or specific ideas.

  • Tip: Use platforms like Outlook or Teams to share your components with your teammates, ensuring that everyone has access to the relevant information.

Microsoft Loop - Sharing content in Outlook

Leveraging Copilot in Microsoft Loop

One of the exciting additions to Microsoft Loop is the integration of Copilot, a powerful AI assistant that can significantly enhance your productivity. Copilot can help you create new content, rewrite existing material, and summarize your work.


When starting a new Loop page, simply describe the purpose or topic of your content, and Copilot can generate a draft for you. You can also use pre-existing templates as a starting point and then request modifications to tailor the content to your specific needs.

  • Tip: If you're not completely satisfied with the generated content, you can always revert back to your original draft.

Microsoft Loop - Drafting content with Copilot in new page


If you need to modify existing content, simply select the relevant portion of your Loop page, and Copilot can suggest alternative wording or phrasing. This is particularly helpful for improving clarity, conciseness, or tone.

  • Tip: Copilot can even rewrite structured elements like tables, lists, and Mermaid flows.

Microsoft Loop - Rewriting content with Copilot


To get a summary of the changes you've made to your Loop page, you can ask Copilot to generate a recap. This can be a helpful way to review your work and ensure that your message is clear and concise.

  • Tip: You can customize the recap by editing and modifying the generated content to add more details or make it more specific.

Microsoft Loop - Recapping changes with Copilot


Copilot can also help you summarize the overall content of your Loop page. This can be useful for creating an executive summary or providing a brief overview of your work.

  • Tip: Consider placing the summary at the beginning or end of your page, or wherever it makes the most sense in your context.

Microsoft Loop - Summarizing page with Copilot


Microsoft Loop is a powerful tool for collaboration, offering a variety of features designed to streamline your workflow and facilitate the sharing of ideas. By leveraging functionalities like drag-and-drop content, boosters, and component sharing, you can create a more efficient and collaborative environment.

Additionally, the integration of Copilot provides a valuable AI assistant that can help you generate content, rewrite existing material, and summarize your work. With Loop and Copilot, you have the tools you need to enhance your productivity and achieve your goals.


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