How To Do SignIn/SignUp In 9 Simple Steps Using Spring

Abdulcelil Cercenazi - Apr 16 '21 - - Dev Community

What do we want to do? 🙌

Implement a sign-up/sign-in mechanism using JWT and Spring Security in a demo Spring Boot project.

Why do it? 👨‍🔬

Secure our application to specify the role that every user will play. Admins have superuser privileges. A user can't see other user's data. Each user sees a custom view. etc...

How to do it?


Import spring-boot-starter-security using Maven.
Note, Importing it will make Spring:

  • Add mandatory authentication for all URLs.
  • Adds login form.
  • Handle login errors.
  • Creates a user and sets a default password.


Create database entities

  • User
  • Authority

User and authority have a OneToMany relationship.
Create repositories for them as well


Create a class (let's call it CustomUserDetails) that implements UserDetails interface from Spring Security

  • We implement some methods like getPassword, getUserName, etc...


Create a class (let's call it CustomUserDetailService) that implements UserDetailsService interface from Spring Security

  • Implement loadUserByUsername method Using the username, write the code to get the corresponding User from the database.


Create a service for JWT processing

  • Include jjwt Maven dependency
  • Create jwt service class with methods to create, validate JWT tokens.


Create a request filter for JWT tokens

  • It extends the abstract class OncePerRequestFilter
  • It overrides a single method (doFilterInternal) from the class.


Create a security configuration class

  • Extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter from Spring Security
  • Annotate it with @EnableWebSecurity
  • Override the method configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth)

  • Override the method configure(HttpSecurity http)

    • Set the ant matchers.
    • Add the request filter we had created.
  • Create a Bean method that returns a PasswordEncoder.

  • Create a bean method that returns an AuthenticationManager object.


Add a backend controller to allow a user to get a JWT token.

  • Call the authenticate method of the AuthenticationManager class using the username and password provided by the client.
    • If the provided credentials aren’t correct an exception will be thrown.
  • Create and return a JWT using the JwtService we had created.


Add a backend controller for adding new users (Signup).

How does it all play together?

✅ The incoming request first goes through Spring Security filters

  • Its configurations are defined in the security config file at the method configure(HttpSecurity http)

  • There we specify the URLs that specific users can access

    • For example, all requests can go to the URL /login
    • Only authenticates users with the role Admin can go to /admin

✅ Then, if the request passes it goes into the JWT request filter we had created and set in the security config.

  • We extract the username and password from the request’s Authorization header

  • If there are a valid token and an existing user with the given user name

    • Create a UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken object and set it to the authentication of the security context.

✅ Then the request proceeds to its destination URL

  • If it’s the authentication URL.

    • The AuthenticationManager object is called using the password and username provided.
    • If the credentials don’t match an AuthenticationException will be thrown.
    • If not thrown, a JWT token will be created and returned to the client to include in future requests’ Authorization header.

🏴‍☠️ Conclusion

We've gone through the logical steps to create an application for signing up new users, authenticating users and admins. However, where is the code?
Well, it can't fit all here, so please refer to the GitHub repository to get the code.

👩🏽‍💻 👨🏽‍💻 Code on GitHub

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