jay shankar k - Jan 21 - - Dev Community


Boundary value analysis is based on testing at the boundaries between partition.boundary value analysis we have the boundry value and invalid value considered.BVA is the best technique to test the functionality of a test case and test cases generated by BVA are vryy small.it is important to apply this techniques because boundary values are often a source of errors in software application boundary value analysis is a another block box text desingh technique and it is used to find the errors at boundaries of input domain rather than finding those errors in the center of inputs.in black box testing software without internal knowledge is called black box testing. boundary value analysis is one of the videly used case desingh technique for black box testing.

0,1,2          9,10,11
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


We have six test cases boundary values 0,1,2 and 9,10,11.


Decision table testing is a popular software testing technique decision table testing is also known as to cause effect table. this software testing technique is used for functions which respond to combination decision table testing also known as black box testing.that leads to different out comes. it is special use for than multiple inputs and results in various behaviours.


If person have a prime member

ABOVE 3000 --> they whould get 20% 0ff
BElow 3000 --> they whould get 10% off

If person have a non-prime member

ABOVE 3000 --> they whould get 5% off
BELOW 3000 --> they whould get nothing

Then we get 4 test cases




Use case testing is a functional testing technique that helps in indentifying and testing scenarious on the whole system or doing start to end transactions.
it helps to identifying the gaps in software that might not be indentified by listing individual components.use cases often include an index,with several individual use cases for each step of software or platform's prosess.there are two fundamental purposes of testing verifying procurement specification and managing risk verify that all elements on registration page fields,buttons,etc displages correctly.

EXAMPLE:user case mean user interact and it's behaviour.we have a login page and in it we can see who can come in this.they are called actor. the actor can take action. the actor can be anyone like user,admin,sub-admin,banking,byer,seller etc. so actor can also change and behaviour can also change documenting all these things comes in use case testing.


Lcsaj stand for linear code squence and jump,a white box testing technique to identify the code coverage,
which begins at the start of the program or branch and ends at the end of the program or the branch. in
lcsaj testing technique neccessary to have internal
knowledge.in lcsaj we see internally working or not.
if anyone want use lcsaj testing technique they would be use white box and grey box testing.

EXAMPLE:a software which defects whether the person is eligible to vote or not using their age as on input. then put some value above 18 and some value
below 18. it's a tast case.

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