Sorry We Need To Verify Your Subscription: Here’s What to Do

Jeaf Willson - Jun 24 - - Dev Community

Sorry We Need to Verify Your Subscription is a message typically displayed by software providers, including QuickBooks, when there are
issues validating the user's subscription status. This message can appear during software activation or when attempting to access subscription-based features. Verification may be required due to various reasons, such as expired subscriptions, payment issues, or changes in licensing terms. Users are prompted to provide additional information or follow specific steps to verify their subscription, which may involve updating payment details, renewing the subscription,
or contacting customer support for assistance.

Verifying the subscription ensures compliance with licensing agreements and grants access to the full range of features and services included in the subscription package. Call our experts at +1(855)-738-0359 for any help.

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Why is a subscription issue occurring on QB Desktop?

Resolving this issue often involves addressing the specific cause, such as renewing subscriptions, and updating payment information.

  • If the subscription period has ended, verification is required before accessing subscription-based features.

  • Failed or declined payments can result in subscription verification prompts.

  • Updates in software licensing agreements may necessitate re-verification of subscriptions.

  • Issues with user account authentication or verification processes can trigger this message.

  • Occasionally, technical issues or software bugs may erroneously prompt subscription verification requests.

  • Subscription verification may be part of security protocols to prevent unauthorized access to subscription services.

Read Also: How To Fix Error: Sorry We Need To Verify Your Subscription Before Installing & Updating QuickBooks

Solution that can seriously help in getting rid of the problem once and for all

Installing QuickBooks Desktop software in Safe Mode may be necessary if you encounter issues during the installation process due to conflicting programs or system settings.

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Solution: Try to install the QB desktop application using the safe mode

By following these steps, you can install QuickBooks Desktop software in Safe Mode, allowing you to troubleshoot installation issues caused by conflicting programs or system settings. After installation, you can restart your computer to exit Safe Mode and use QuickBooks normally.

  • Select "Safe Mode" from the menu using the arrow keys on your keyboard and press "Enter" to boot into Safe Mode. If prompted, log in with an administrator account.

  • Ensure you have the QuickBooks installation CD or downloaded setup file ready. Navigate to the location of the QuickBooks setup file or insert the installation CD into your computer. The QuickBooks installation wizard will appear.

  • Accept the license agreement and choose the installation type (Typical, Custom, or Network). Select the destination folder for QuickBooks installation or use the default location.

  • Continue through the installation wizard, providing any necessary information, such as license and product details. Click "Install" to begin the installation process. QuickBooks will now install in Safe Mode.


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Sorry We Need to Verify Your Subscription indicates a requirement for validating subscription status. Users may encounter this message for various reasons, such as expired subscriptions or payment issues. Resolving it typically involves updating payment details or contacting customer support for assistance. Just speak with our team at +1(855)-738-0359 and get help if you need it.

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