My Programming Journey: Backend

Jeff Hen - Jun 30 - - Dev Community

Hello, my name is Jefferson Henry, I’m a software engineer and full stack developer currently studying software engineering at Ritman University.
Did you know that about 73.3% of men and 26.6% of women are into tech? Similarly, 7% of the total US workforce works in the tech industry, making tech one of the most dynamic sectors in the workforce. Technology has become one of the fastest rising advancements in humanity, still growing rapidly with groundbreaking discoveries being made every day. It breaks the boundaries of the impossible and exposes the world to the possibilities of a great mind.
Today I would love to take you through my journey in discovering one of the core aspects of tech which is programming and how HNG has greatly impacted my study and love for tech. I was born in Cross River State, Nigeria. in the early 2000s, I grew up surrounded by the rich culture and innovative spirit of my region. I completed my high school education at Estate Model High before moving on to pursue a bachelor's degree at Ritman University. From a young age, I was drawn to technology and science, inspired by the stories of tech pioneers and the vast information available online. Encouraged by my peers, I decided to explore programming during my tenth grade. I spent countless hours researching what it takes to become a programmer, diving deep into the world of coding and software development.
At 11th grade, I had transitioned from theory to practice, writing my first programs and experiencing the thrill of creating something from scratch. This hands-on journey reached a new milestone in my first year in university when I successfully built my first webpage. That achievement cemented my dedication to programming and web development. As my skills developed, I expanded my focus beyond frontend to backend development, a field that combines creativity with technical skill. I found immense joy in bringing my ideas to life through code, whether it was a new project or a dynamic website. Today, I continue to create sustainable databases and server-side development of web applications, constantly learning and embracing new technologies. Each project is an opportunity for growth and innovation. What began as a curiosity in my school years has blossomed into a fulfilling career path, fueled by my passion for technology and its limitless possibilities.
During my first year of university, I was introduced to HNG internship by a fellow student interning with the company ‘what is HNG?’. HNG Internship is a fast-paced bootcamp for learning digital skills. It's focused on advanced learners and those with some pre-knowledge, and it gets people into shape for job offers. I was captivated by the opportunity to be working with fellow tech enthusiast and intern what an actual company so I took on the opportunity to work with HNG and I joined their i11 internship which I’ve discovered to challenging but exciting and I hope to finish. Here is a link to hng internship

Now further into my programing journey and mastering the basics in web-dev which includes knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript I moved on further in the world of web technology grasping concept like database manipulation with MySQL and server-side development with php and JavaScript
What is backend?
backend refers to the part of web-dev users cannot see, such as databases, servers, and application logic. A backend developer is responsible for building and maintaining the mechanisms that process data and perform actions on websites including handling tasks like API integration, security and performance optimization. Backend version control helps manage code changes and collaboration among common platforms using software like git. Here is a project of mine using github .
I found backend more complexed compared to frontend and definitely more challenging with its wide variety of tools like Node.js, C# net and Go, which I’m currently still developing my skills in. I’ve had many struggles learning backend one of which being error handling and debugging.

Error handling in backend is how systems deal with errors that occur during the execution of a program or application. is the process of discovering vulnerabilities and bugs in your code to ensure the system operates smoothly. Techniques like try-catch block, error codes and logging are used to manage errors effectively.
When building a bitcoin payment system where users had to fill in their email and phone number. The users will provide their information and the backend will check to see their details are correct. During the testing of Software, I discovered errors when users input in an email that has already been used in another account. This is a good example of an error in the backend and I’ll work you through the steps in solving it.
The first step was detecting the error which occurred because the same emails were used in different accounts causing a double occurrence and security issues. The second step was writing a response in which the system should provide a clear error message to the user indicating that the email is already in use and prompting them to try a different email. And the last step is adding a prevention mechanism which implements a validation check during the sign-up process to ensure unique emails are used. This solves the problem and makes the software more accountable and secure.
The issue above is a recent problem I faced using backend and the steps I took to overcome them.
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