Full Stack Development Trends To Follow In 2024

Jessica Bennett - Sep 26 '23 - - Dev Community

With the rise of consumerism in the market, the need for user-friendly apps has increased more than ever before. Due to such demand in the market, every software development company is looking for a full-stack developer. A full-stack developer is someone with knowledge of both frontend and backend technologies. Custom software development companies in the USA seek full-stack developers as they have the skill to work independently without any dependency on any other expert.

Honestly speaking, software development has become a crucial component in ensuring the success of a business. Every business owner wants to try out new emerging web and mobile development technologies. Software development is a dynamic genre that keeps changing with the latest trends. This is why it is essential to keep a tab on the emerging trends in the field and implement them according to requirements.

Full Stack Software Development Company Trends In 2024

Artificial Intelligence or AI

In the last few years, artificial intelligence or AI has been more than just a buzzword in the industry. Implementing AI across mobile and web applications like code editors, chatbots, shopping, OTT platforms, etc., further establishes the trend of AI in this age. Many businesses are using AI to automate a bulk of tasks and business processes, which has helped them boost
revenue and productivity.

When it comes to AI app development, full-stack developers are always the preferred option for the task. This is because they have the knowledge to understand user expectancy and design requirements. Full-stack developers in a software development company take a holistic approach to dealing with the AI project, which makes them the right pick for the gig. In industries such as healthcare, eCommerce, logistics, transportation, and retail, the use of AI is an emerging trend.

For a beginner in full-stack development, it is crucial to master the programming language to nail such AI technology projects. Once done with the programming language, learn machine learning and data science to hone the skills further to be better at AI projects!

Low-Code Development

Low code development is a forerunner when it comes to Full-stack development trends 2024. As the demand for applications increases and the user base keeps growing, low-volume code will be preferred more. In low code development, the code volume is significantly reduced, which enhances the delivery speed of apps and nominal hand-coding. According to an expert estimate, nearly 65% of apps will be developed on low-code platforms by 2024.

With low code development, there’s a visual approach to software development. Any custom software development company will agree that FSD is a highly dynamic field. Constantly changing policies, regulations, and procedures further makes developing an app easier on a low-code platform. Budibase & WordPress are examples of low-code development platforms that custom software development companies in USA use.


As Internet of Things (IoT) technology took over, experts reimagined a new world order that is driven by technology. IoT creates an ecosystem where multiple devices are connected to share information and enhance interaction. As per reports, 127 new devices are connected to the internet with every passing second. This number must have grown even higher now with the coming of even more advanced IoT gadgets for everyday usage. IoT brings up the much-awaited Industrial Revolution 4.0, and to decipher the technology, full-stack developers are the need of the hour. A full-stack developer possesses the skills to manage both the frontend and backend of IoT-driven applications.

Out of every industry, the manufacturing and mining industry has been at the forefront of using IoT applications. Full-stack developers with frontend, backend, and UI/UX expertise are required to deal with such applications. IoT enables a software development company to target these businesses with innovative remote locators, equipment control systems, and field sensor data mining. To support such innovations of IoT products, the ideal candidate will be a full-stack developer for the reason mentioned above.


Tracking and tracing every banking transaction has become simpler and more secure with blockchain technology in the market. Blockchain technology is fast and transparent, which further enhances the potential of this tech. This technology will soon become a hot favorite for industries such as healthcare and insurance.

As businesses grow, the need to safeguard valuable information will accelerate the adoption of blockchain technology. With blockchain at work, the process of delivering information is sped up in a way that the data is accessible only to those who have authorization. Be it tracking payments, transactions, or production, blockchain makes it all simple and cost-effective. A software development company requires a full-stack developer to build such a secure blockchain without any dependency on the team.

Cloud Native Full Stack Development

When speaking about the trends and future of full-stack development, taking cloud-native development into consideration is a must! With cloud-native development, a developer working for a software development company can leverage the multiple services of cloud providers such as Amazon. Microsoft and Google. It will make it easier for developers to build scalable and reliable applications like never before. In cloud-native development, the developers have the freedom to focus primarily on the app's core features without taking any hassle regarding infrastructure maintenance.

Upon deploying applications in the cloud, it directly impacts the user experience positively. Reduced latency and fast loading speed are the key for any application to be successful in this evolving techscape. A cloud-native development can help in achieving both of them easily! This makes it one of the most eminent full-stack development trends of 2024 as per leading custom software development companies in USA.

Augmented Reality/ Virtual Reality (AR/VR)

An evolving trend to watch out for in this space is mixed reality or the confluence of the physical & digital world. To keep up with the trend, more clients will look for an expert software development company that can assist them with the incorporation of AR & VR with Meta, Google's ARCore, or Apple's ARKit. Presently, AR & VR technologies are changing the way of work in remote training, education, gaming, and the healthcare industry.

A full-stack developer working with the top software development company in NYC has a lucrative future by becoming a mixed reality developer.


As demand for technologically advanced solutions keeps growing in the market, all these trends will come in handy to cater to the requirements. For a software development company, mastering these trends will decide the quality of services they can offer. Even minor shifts in technology bring significant challenges for a developer, which further emphasizes the need to stay updated with such trends. If you are planning your project, consider the trends to develop a future-ready application. Discuss your specific requirement with a full stack developer to know details such as budget, timeline, and technology to be used.

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