Market Trends Talk – swampUp 2019

Ido Green - Sep 5 '19 - - Dev Community

The world has many buzzwords that people like to use. Some are more relevant to the real world and some aren’t. If yesterday was powered by new products and features, today is going to be filled by insights from our communities.

There are around 37 million developers in the world (according to GitHub last report) so it’s a substantial community. Moreover, DevOps is growing at a rapid pace. Btw, according to StackOverflow last survey – DevOps developers and site reliability engineers are among the highest paid, most experienced developers most satisfied with their jobs, and are looking for new jobs at the lowest levels.

I think we can all agree that data is stronger than opinions, rights?

This is what I really like about the special point of view that we have at JFrog. As the “database of DevOps“, we are sitting in a unique place – holding the output of what developers producing.

This is giving us excellent visibility into trends and the real world.

What does this mean?

It’s about contrasting perception with reality.

We combined our own data from 5000 customers with internal and external researches in an effort to give you a clear picture of the current state and what are the DevOps trends for the next 12-18 months.

The main challenges

We got a long list of challenges from our customers but the top four ones are below. You will be surprise in some cases, when the hype and reality aren’t even close. Take for example, Kubernetes. The platform of platforms. We couldn’t find even one developer that is not talking about it. However, when it comes to real usage. The numbers are still small.

How to leverage Kubernetes?

We aren’t talking only on the new projects but also about legacy apps and how to use it in a hybrid world. What are the implication on security, visibility, networking, etc’.

How to make k8b works for your needs while you are taking parts of the systems and transform them into the new world. K8B is a new technology, it’s only five years old but the growth pace is amazing. More and more companies and developers are contributing to it and use it.

What we see today is that only ~30% of our customers are using k8b in production. However, in three years, we will see this number jump to around 85%. The bottom line, you didn’t miss any train. But, you do need to plan and see what can be done with k8b in your companies because it looks like it’s going to be the main technology to manage containers.

Cloud native

Cloud native is all about containers, automation, and micro-services.

There are many challenges for enterprises when we thinking about the steps to adopt it and merge it into the current applications. However, half of the companies that we see in the market from a lot of different sectors are already using SAAS or PAAS solutions for their DevOps operations. Moreover, in the next 3 years almost everyone will be there in some shape or form.

Hybrid world / Multi-Cloud

A few years ago we heard claims that the cloud will be everywhere and all the on-prem will moved to the cloud.

Well, we know today, that we live in a hybrid world and in many industries, this will be the norm for the foreseen future. How to be efficient in such a complex world? What are the options/tools/methodologies to leverage it.

You can see that projects like Anthos are being published in order to help companies bridge this gap and maintain their hybrid world.


There are lots of opportunities here and many challenges but it’s all comes down to “How to enable your developer to keep their velocity with the security level you must to have?”

What is surprising to me is that only %29 focused on 3rd party software although it is (in most cases) contains 80% or more from your code. That is a focused that needs to change.

Security is not only about vulnerabilities but also around compliance and licenses. How do we show the right way to developers while they building their application (with the right tools – e.g. X-ray plugins to your IDEs) and on the other end, give the security managers a clear visibility on what is going on in production (e.g. Dashboard from Distribution and other sources).


Data Driven DevOps & Technologies (swampUP 2019 keynote) from Ido Green

I hope to see you next year at swampUP!

Be strong and build something cool!

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