Using AWS SAM to deploy the infrastructure.
Previously I had deployed the API Gateway, Lambda function and DynamoDB table by tinkering around in the AWS console. However the real challenge was using SAM to deploy the entire infrastructure using the SAM template for my bio.
AWS Serverless Architecture Model
AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) deploys=> DynamoDB + Lambda function + API gateway.
- Step 1 - Prerequisites The system must have the below installed:
AWS profile set up
Python, preferably version > 3.6
Step 2 - Create new AWS SAM project
Using the below command in cmd for windows.CMD
sam init
I chose the default project name, with the quick start template for Hello World application. This created a directory structure that looks like this.
The application uses several AWS resources, including Lambda functions and an API Gateway API. These resources are defined in the template.yaml
file in this sam-app directory. I modified the directory a little bit to remove the default /hello_world
directory and created my own lambda handler /komla_function
directory containing my python code.
┣ 📂.aws-sam
┃ ┣ 📂build
┃ ┃ ┣ 📂KomlalebuFunction
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ 📜requirements.txt
┃ ┃ ┗ 📜template.yaml
┃ ┗ 📜build.toml
┣ 📂events
┃ ┗ 📜event.json
┣ 📂komla_function
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┗ 📜requirements.txt
┣ 📂tests
┃ ┗ 📂unit
┃ ┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┃ ┗ 📜
┣ 📜.gitignore
┣ 📜packaged.yaml
┣ 📜
┣ 📜
┗ 📜template.yaml
We can see the template.yaml code below.
- Step 3 - Python code for lambda handler Runtime - Python 3.8.
I created a separate folder
which contains
file. The python script for the lambda function is defined in this file.
- Step 4 - Modifying the template file. I defined the below Globals, one for extented timeout of the API calls and the second one for CORS, because my browser was misbehaving.😀
The second change was defining the resources properly for my project requirements. AWS::Serverless::Function - Defines the lambda function and its runtime information.
CodeUri: komla_function/
Policies: # Give DynamoDB Full Access to your Lambda Function - AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess
To give the lambda function full access to the dynamoDB.
Modified the API method to do a post.
KomlalebuAPI: Type: Api Properties: Path: / Method: post
Finally added template for DynamoDB table creation. The name of my table is
. Refer AWS::Serverless::SimpleTablekomlalebuTable: Type: AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable Properties: PrimaryKey: Name: id Type: String TableName: komlalebuTable
Step 5 - Build, package and deploy.
From the /sam-app directory in CMD running the below command compiles the source code along with all the dependencies into /sam-app/.aws-sam/build directory. It also updates template.yml.
Once the package is built the below command uploads the output-template and build artifacts as a .zip to my S3 bucket ci******evops.
The package is deployed from SAM CLI, where SAM packages the output-template as package.yaml
and uploads to S3 bucket. The name of my stack is aws-sam-komlalebu
We can see below the stack created in cloudformation with the output-template file fetched from S3 bucket.
With the events and resources created (API, Lambda function & DynamoDB table.
We can verify in the respective AWS services for those resource creation status.
- Step 6 - Testing.
I went ahead and started testing the API from API gateway console (I am still struggling with Docker setup due to low
C: Drive
space for local testing). I was also consistently getting "message": "Internal server error" (502 Bad Gateway) due to json body to string conversion issue. Finally this Article from stackoverflow saved me. 😀 . The API was working fine.
The values passed to the lambda function by the API are also stored in the DynamoDB table created by SAM. It all came together.
I went ahead and updated my website code in 'index.html' to hit the API url and it is working as expected i.e storing the visitor count in DynamoDB.