Very First Post

joebush4466 - Jul 2 - - Dev Community

Well, here goes...

So I will openly admit I am unsure of what to even put in this very first blog of mine. I joined the FlatIron School Software Engineering online program and am trying to make radical changes in my life. I am looking forward to the program and getting into the IT workforce. I am not sure yet which avenue I will go down. I have family in different parts of the IT world. Cousins in cyber security, siblings in web design. I personally never thought I would be trying to learn to code. But, I also think I am capable of anything I truly set my mind to. My biggest enemy is myself and that is who I'm trying to change. This is something I am committed to and promised myself I would not let myself down. So wish me luck, I will try and post regularly to show progress of what I have learned and see if I can even teach something myself.

"Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage. RAGE against the dying of the light" -Dylan Thomas

Joe Bush
