Rust Daily Challenge Day-1

Joel Jaison - Feb 29 - - Dev Community

Today, we will focus on creating a Rust function called greet_user that takes a user's name as a parameter, reads input from the terminal, and prints a personalized greeting message.

In Rust, a function is defined using the fn keyword followed by the function name, parameters, return type (if any), and the function body enclosed in curly braces {}. Let's break down the structure of the greet_user function:

greet_user function

fn: Keyword indicating the start of a function definition.

greet_user: Name of the function.

(name :&str): Parameter list enclosed in parentheses ()

name: Name of the parameter.
&str: Type of the parameter, indicating a string slice.

main function body

The main function is the entry point of a Rust program.It contains the code that will be executed when the program is run.

println!("Enter the name ");: Prints a message asking the user to enter a name.
let mut userName = String::new();: Declares a mutable variable userName of type String to store the user's input.
std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut userName).expect("Something error happened"); -

  • Reads a line from the standard input (keyboard) and stores it in the userName variable.

  • &mut userName passes a mutable reference to userName to allow the read_line function to modify its contents.

  • expect("Something error happened"); handles any potential errors that may occur during the input operation.

greet_user(&userName);: Calls the greet_user function with a reference to the userName variable as an argument.

Passing a reference (&) to userName allows greet_user to access the value without taking ownership of it.

Now when we run this code the output will be

output 1 without trim

To avoid the problem of newline character causing the ouput template string to be in newline after the template word , we need to trim out the user input

so for that the code should be modified like wise

code using the trim

Here the user input is trimmed before passing it to greet_user, any leading or trailing whitespace will be removed.

The to_string() method is used to convert a string slice (&str) to an owned String.This conversion is necessary because greet_user expects a &str parameter, and to_string() creates a new Stringinstance from the trimmed input

Now the final output will look like

Final output

so that's all for this challenge , Thank You

For a more detailed explanation, you can watch my YouTube video.

GitHub - Link

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