On the road to ramen profitability 🍜 💸

Joel Warrington - May 8 - - Dev Community

It’s always been a dream of mine to build a kick-ass product. Today I’m starting that product, and will be documenting my progress towards ramen profitability 🍜, with a post every 2 weeks to keep myself accountable and to share my learning along the way.

Let's dive in!

The problem

Property managers have to track and respond to rental inquiries across a dozen or more sites to find the right tenant.

HomeSuiteApartment helps property managers track and respond to these inquiries so they can find the right tenant quickly, all in one place.

Where we're starting

We're starting at the bottom floor, it can only go up from here!

  • 0$ MRR;
  • and 0 customers

It feels incredibly hard to scale something from 0 to 1, and this won't be any different. It's practically a ∞% increase!

What's been built so far

A basic marketing site built-on Jekyll and hosted via Cloudflare Pages.

Marketing Site Home Page

A 7.1 Ruby on Rails application hosted on a Hetzner VPS and deployed via Kamal.

Users can signup and login via the Devise gem and create their organizations.

Login Screen

Organization create form

At the moment, I’m launching into private beta, and
Until the MVP is launched into open beta,
Until I'm ready to launch an MVP, you won't be able to do much, and instead will be shown a private beta screen, where they can email me with any ideas.

Private Beta Screen

What's next?

  • Prepare for an MVP launch with minimal feature set, aggressively cutting requirements where possible
  • Reach out to more property managers in the area
  • Setup basic subscription with Stripe to unlock MRR and get commitment from new customers.
    • This is an area where there will be lots of exploration in the future, but something simple to start will help me understand who is finding value in the product

See you in 2 weeks for the next update!

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