JS vs TS: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Programming Language

Joshua Hassan - Jan 29 '23 - - Dev Community

In the world of web development, JavaScript and TypeScript are two of the most commonly used programming languages for creating dynamic web pages and web applications. JavaScript has a long-standing reputation among web developers, whereas TypeScript is a more recent addition to the scene that has gained popularity in recent years.

Choosing the right language can be a difficult choice for developers due to the differences and similarities between the two. This article will delve into these differences, exploring topics such as type checking, classes, namespaces, and ES6 features. This article aims to give a comprehensive understanding of both JavaScript and TypeScript, allowing you to make an informed decision about which language is best for your project.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript, a widely utilized programming language, is renowned for its ability to create dynamic web pages and web applications. It was invented in the mid-1990s by Brendan Eich, while he was employed at Netscape Communications Corporation. JavaScript operates on the client-side, running in the user's browser rather than on the server, making it a crucial component in the development of interactive websites and applications.

JavaScript is a versatile, object-oriented programming language used to build dynamic web pages and applications. It is a client-side language that executes in the user's browser and is capable of working with asynchronous code, making it well-suited for modern web development. JavaScript is loosely typed, meaning the data type of a variable can change during runtime, and it enables the creation of complex data structures. The language is supported by all major browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari, and has widespread usage in front-end and server-side scripting through Node.js. With millions of developers relying on it, JavaScript is considered an essential tool in the world of web development.

What is TypeScript?

TypeScript is an object-oriented language that is statically typed, maintained by Microsoft, and compiled. It is a superset of JavaScript that strictly adheres to its syntax and adds additional features like optional type annotations, classes, interfaces, namespaces, and modules. This makes TypeScript a more efficient choice for complex, large-scale projects, compared to its dynamic and interpreted predecessor.

TypeScript also includes features such as static typing, which helps to catch type-related errors at compile time rather than at runtime, and improved support for object-oriented programming, which makes it easier to write clean, maintainable, and scalable code.

TypeScript compiles to JavaScript, which means that it can be executed in any environment that supports JavaScript, such as a browser or a server. As a result, TypeScript has become a popular choice for building complex web applications and large-scale software systems, and it is supported by many popular libraries and frameworks, such as Angular, React, and Vue.js.

JavaScript vs TypeScript

JavaScript (JS) and TypeScript (TS) are both programming languages used for web development, but they have some key differences:

1. Type Checking:

Type checking is a process of verifying the type of a variable or an expression at runtime to ensure that it meets the expected type. Type checking is important because it can help to catch type-related errors before they cause unexpected behavior in your code.

In JavaScript, type verification is done dynamically, allowing for variables to change their type during runtime. For example:

let x = 42;
x = "Hello";
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In this example, the variable x is initially assigned the value 42, which is a number. However, it is then reassigned the value "Hello", which is a string. This is possible in JavaScript because it is a dynamically typed language, and the type of a variable can change dynamically during runtime.

On the other hand, TypeScript has static type checking, which means that the type of a variable must be specified at compile time and cannot change dynamically during runtime. For example:

let x: number = 42;
x = "Hello"; // Type '"Hello"' is not assignable to type 'number'.

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2. ES6 Features:

ECMAScript 6 (ES6), also known as ECMAScript 2015, is a version of JavaScript that introduced several new features and syntax improvements. These features are designed to make JavaScript more expressive, readable, and maintainable, and have been widely adopted by developers.

Both JavaScript and TypeScript support most of the ES6 features, including:

  1. Arrow functions: A shorthand syntax for writing anonymous functions.

  2. Template literals: A way to embed expressions into strings using the backtick (`) character.

  3. Destructuring: A way to extract data from arrays and objects into separate variables.

  4. Modules: A way to organize code into reusable and manageable pieces.

  5. Classes: A way to define object-oriented classes in JavaScript.

  6. Promises: A way to handle asynchronous code and error handling.

However, TypeScript provides additional features and syntax that are not available in JavaScript, including:

  1. Type annotations: A way to specify the type of a variable, function, or expression.

  2. Interfaces: A way to define a blueprint for an object.

  3. Generics: A way to write reusable functions and classes that can work with any type.

  4. Decorators: A way to add metadata to a class, method, or property.

Both JavaScript and TypeScript support most of the ES6 features, but TypeScript provides additional features and syntax that are not available in JavaScript, making it a more powerful and expressive language for building large and complex applications.

3. Classes:

Classes are a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that provide a blueprint for creating objects and encapsulating data and behavior.

JavaScript has a prototype-based model for creating objects, and it does not have a built-in class syntax. However, classes can be simulated in JavaScript using prototypes and functions. For example:

function Person(firstName, lastName) {
  this.firstName = firstName;
  this.lastName = lastName;

Person.prototype.getFullName = function() {
  return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

let person = new Person("John", "Doe");
console.log(person.getFullName()); // "John Doe"

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In this example, the Person function acts as a constructor for creating objects, and the getFullName method is added to the prototype of the Person function.

On the other hand, TypeScript has a class syntax that provides a more familiar and convenient way of defining objects and encapsulating data and behavior. For example:

class Person {
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;

  constructor(firstName: string, lastName: string) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

  getFullName() {
    return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

let person = new Person("John", "Doe");
console.log(person.getFullName()); // "John Doe"

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In this example, the Person class is defined using the class syntax, and it has a constructor and a method. The class syntax provides a more intuitive and familiar way of defining objects and encapsulating data and behavior compared to the prototype-based model in JavaScript.

In conclusion, TypeScript provides a class syntax that provides a more intuitive and convenient way of defining objects and encapsulating data and behavior compared to the prototype-based model in JavaScript.

4. Namespaces:

Namespaces are a way of organizing and grouping related code together. TypeScript supports namespaces, which are used to organize code into logical groups and prevent naming collisions, whereas in JavaScript you have to use modules for this purpose. In JavaScript, namespaces can be achieved by using objects and nested objects. For example:

let MyNamespace = {};

MyNamespace.Utils = {
  sum: function(a, b) {
    return a + b;
  subtract: function(a, b) {
    return a - b;

console.log(MyNamespace.Utils.sum(1, 2)); // 3

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In this example, the MyNamespace object acts as a namespace, and the Utils object contains the related utility functions.

On the other hand, TypeScript provides a namespace keyword that provides a more intuitive and convenient way of organizing and grouping related code together. For example:

namespace MyNamespace {
  export function sum(a: number, b: number): number {
    return a + b;

  export function subtract(a: number, b: number): number {
    return a - b;

console.log(MyNamespace.sum(1, 2)); // 3

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In this example, the MyNamespace namespace is defined using the namespace keyword, and the related functions are exported using the export keyword. The namespace keyword provides a more intuitive and convenient way of organizing and grouping related code together compared to using objects in JavaScript.

In conclusion, TypeScript provides the namespace keyword that provides a more intuitive and convenient way of organizing and grouping related code together compared to using objects in JavaScript.

5. Compilation:

The process of transforming a high-level programming language into machine-readable code is called Compilation. Unlike TypeScript, which is a statically typed language and requires the use of a compiler, JavaScript is dynamically typed and does not need to be compiled before it is executed. This means that JavaScript code can be written and tested on the fly, making it ideal for rapid prototyping.

On the other hand, TypeScript's static typing allows the compiler to catch type-related errors before execution, leading to a more efficient and error-free development process. The TypeScript code is written and then compiled into JavaScript, which can then be executed by the browser or Node.js runtime. This ensures that the generated JavaScript code is of high quality and free from type-related errors.

The following is an example of TypeScript code:

function greet(name: string) {
  return `Hello, ${name}!`;

const message = greet("John");
console.log(message); // "Hello, John!"

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And this is the equivalent JavaScript code generated by the TypeScript compiler:

function greet(name) {
  return "Hello, " + name + "!";

var message = greet("John");
console.log(message); // "Hello, John!"

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In conclusion, TypeScript requires compilation, which allows the TypeScript compiler to perform type-checking and catch type-related errors before the code is executed. This makes the development process more efficient and less error-prone compared to JavaScript, which is executed directly without the need for compilation.

6. Type Annotations:

Type annotations in programming languages specify the expected type of a variable or expression.

In JavaScript, there is no built-in syntax for type annotations, and type information is not available at compile time. For example:

let x = 42;
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In this example, the type of the variable x is inferred to be a number by the value that it is assigned. However, there is no explicit type information available in the code.

On the other hand, TypeScript provides optional type annotations, which allow developers to specify the expected type of a variable or expression explicitly. For example:

let x: number = 42;

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In this example, the type of the variable x is explicitly specified as a number using the colon : syntax. This information is available at compile time, and TypeScript can use it to perform static type checking, catch type-related errors, and provide better tooling and code analysis.

TypeScript type annotations are optional, but they are highly recommended for large-scale applications because they can improve the quality and maintainability of the code. The type annotations can be inferred from the values that are assigned to the variables, or they can be specified explicitly by the developer.

In conclusion, TypeScript provides optional type annotations, which can improve the quality, maintainability, and safety of the code, while JavaScript does not have built-in syntax for type annotations.

In summary, TypeScript adds optional static typing, classes, and other features to JavaScript, making it a more suitable choice for larger and more complex projects, while JavaScript is still widely used due to its ease of use and compatibility with older browsers.

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