lit Comparision REact.js vs Vue.js

JTMidel - Jun 29 - - Dev Community

The advantage of frontend in web applications cannot be undermined as it involves the part where users are welcomed before interacting with what the web application in entirety have to offer.
Generally frontend technologies are tools which are employed to build the part of web application that clients or user interact with, the most basic examples are the HTML(Hypertext Markup language), CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) and JavaScript, the HTML enables placing contents right on the web, while the CSS ensures the styling of the content in terms of adding colors, fonts, backgrounds, layouts etc. The website may have static behavior in a way without adding JAVASCRIPT, it ensures interactive web pages.
Frontend part of any project are very important as to enticing or calling the attention of users, certain frontend frameworks makes the work beautiful, easier, scalable and reusable, frameworks are structure which you can build on giving it no need to start entirely from the foundation….
React.js and Vue.js are popular frontend framework tools used to build user interfaces, talking about their differences, React is better in a way.
React is a Javascript library which is used for building user interfaces for web and native applications, React was developed by Facebook to perform this task, known for flexibility which is very useful in building complex applications, React was released on March 26 2013 in other to address some issues in Facebook user interface which later was made open-source, React has a big community and many resources which can be leveraged on, working with large scalable apps, React has always been recommended to be more effective.
Vue.js is a frontend framework known for being easy to use and the clear separation of HTML, CSS and JavaScript which is easy for beginner to make use of, uses also virtual DOM(Document Object Model) for efficient rendering like React, Vue is suited for simpler and quickly scalable projects.
HNG Internship is a internship anyone with that competitive fire aspiring to grow in the tech industry may not want to miss, having a basic frontend knowledge in HTML, CSS and JavaScript may not just be enough in building nice, scalable projects, having researched and seeing the advantage of laying hands on projects using React.js framework, I’ll be so glad to participate in this track during this version of HNG Internship as I believe it will help boost my growth and cause a rapid increase in knowledge in the area of frontend technology, thanks to HNG for the privilege and I strongly believe with the way the program is designed I’ll not only learn but also network with great minds on the platform.
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