PUT it at REST

Jon - Jun 3 - - Dev Community


Understanding REST and Its Rise to Prominence
REST (Representational State Transfer) has been the cornerstone of web API design for decades, renowned for its simplicity and effectiveness in integrating various systems over the internet. Initially conceptualized by Roy Fielding in his doctoral dissertation, REST leverages standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to perform operations. The widespread adoption of REST is largely due to its stateless nature and its ability to use standard web technologies and protocols, making it an accessible and reliable choice for developers.

Under a ghostly moonlight, the tombstone stands alone, humorously declaring, ‘REST — 503 Service Unavailable.’ In the foggy silence of the digital graveyard, an era quietly fades into the shadows of innovation

Exploring Alternatives: gRPC and SignalR

While REST remains popular, certain limitations have spurred the development and adoption of alternative technologies better suited for specific scenarios. Two notable alternatives are gRPC and SignalR, each with distinct advantages and potential drawbacks:


Developed by Google, gRPC is a high-performance, open-source framework that supports multiple languages. It uses HTTP/2 for transport, allowing for multiplexed streams over a single connection, which improves the efficiency of communications. gRPC is ideal for microservices and systems where internal communication is critical for performance due to its use of Protocol Buffers, a method of serializing structured data.


  • Efficient binary serialization.
  • Supports streaming data.
  • Reduces latency and increases throughput.
  • Contract-first approach, which ensures consistency and reliability in API development.


  • Steeper learning curve compared to REST.
  • Limited browser support due to reliance on HTTP/2.
  • Different approach in authentication and authorization which may require additional customization.


A framework for ASP.NET developers that simplifies the process of adding real-time web functionality to applications. SignalR enables bi-directional communication between server and clients, which can be web, desktop, or mobile apps. It’s particularly well-suited for features like chat systems or real-time monitoring dashboards where immediate client updates are crucial.


  • Real-time communication capabilities.
  • Falls back to older technologies if WebSockets aren’t supported.
  • Integrates seamlessly with existing ASP.NET ecosystems, like Blazor server-side applications.


  • Adds more complexity due to persistent connecting known as “sticky session”
  • More resource-intensive than REST for non-real-time solutions.
  • Primarily focused on .NET applications.
  • Authentication and authorization can be complex due to real-time nature of communications.

Use Cases and Performance Insights

Each communication style shines in different scenarios:

  • gRPC is highly efficient for microservices communication, where numerous, small, and frequent messages are exchanged.
  • SignalR excels in scenarios requiring high-frequency updates from the server to the client, such as live content updates, collaborative applications, and real-time gaming.

For instance, in a search application, the initial connection establishment in SignalR might imply a slight delay compared to REST. However, once established, updates can be pushed from the server to the client instantly without needing to establish new connections, potentially speeding up real-time interactions significantly, useful for search features for instance.

Personal Insight: My Experience with gRPC

When I first started working with gRPC back in 2018, it was available as a separate package. Over the years, however, it has become more deeply integrated into the .NET runtime, reflecting its growing importance and adoption within the developer community. This integration has made it even more straightforward to develop high-performance, scalable APIs using gRPC within the .NET ecosystem.

Conclusion: Time to PUT REST at Rest?

As developers, we must continuously evolve and adapt to new technologies that can enhance and streamline our work. While the pun in our title may be playful, the message is serious: it’s time to consider expanding your toolbox beyond REST. By understanding and leveraging the strengths of gRPC and SignalR, you can significantly improve the performance and responsiveness of your applications. So, don’t just PUT it at REST; try putting it to the test with these capable alternatives in your next project!

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