10 useless NPM Package with millions of downloads

Jyotishman Saikia - Aug 22 '21 - - Dev Community

1. is-odd

Detect number is odd or not - 2M downloads/month 🎉
check number is odd or not

2. is-even

Detect number is even or not - 855k downloads/month 🎉

check number is even or not

3. upper-case

Convert a string to upper case - 27M downloads/month 🎉
converts a string to uppercase

4. is-number

Detect a number is number or not - 194M downloads/month
check if a number or not

5. store2

For storing and getting from localstorage - 9.7M downloads/month 🎉
store in localstorage

6. array-flatten

Flatten nested arrays - 103M downloads/month 🎉
javascript flatten array

7. split-string

Split a string at any desired position - 67M downloads/month
Split a string

8. is-boolean-object

Detects a value is boolean or not - 52M downloads/month
Detects a value is boolean or not

9. array-includes

Check if a value exists in an array or not- 52M downloads/month
array includes

10. ismobilejs

Detects if mobile or not in browser or server - 170k download/week 🎉
detect mobile or not using javascript

If you know any other such useless plugin , please comment down below.

Also I have started posting on twitter related to frontend tips and tricks. You can follow me at- https://twitter.com/frontend_jsx

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