The best Javascript Meta framework in 2023

Kinanee Samson - Dec 10 '23 - - Dev Community

The war between Javascript UI frameworks is a never-ending one although it seems as though the war for the browser has slowed down a bit, We are no longer getting any new Javascript UI frameworks and I'm grateful for that, at least we can now confuse ourselves even more and argue about which frameworks is the best when our clients and their customers don't care about all that.

We have a lot of catching up to do, from Frameworks that try to ship as little Javascript as possible, to the meta frameworks with SSR, SSG, and ISR to the well-established Javascript UI frameworks we love, it's going to be a bumpy ride because no one will be spared but finally, we'll have to crown a king and that title has to be earned. This post is the first part of a series of posts on Javascript UI frameworks. Follow me to make sure you get updated when that Post drops.

In today's post, we are going to consider the state of Javascript UI frameworks and as such we will consider the following talking points.

  • UI-agonistic: Astro & Stencil
  • Meta Frameworks: NextJS, Nuxt and SvelteKit

UI-agonistic Frameworks

Around this time last year, some frameworks started selling us the idea of sending as little Javascript as possible to the browser so we don't get performance issues but as appealing as this seemed It was always a bit fuzzy to me because I'm in support of sending an unholy amount of Javascript to users. Usability comes over performance, especially with the talk about premature optimization you ask yourself, do you need them? Well let's look at Astro


Astro is a hybrid SSG focused on minimal JavaScript and high performance. It embraces web components wholeheartedly, allowing developers to freely utilize different UI frameworks within the same project. Astro emphasizes living a minimal JavaScript footprint, resulting in faster loading times and improved performance. This is beneficial for static websites and content-heavy applications. Astro offers developers the freedom to leverage various UI frameworks like React, Vue, and Svelte within the same project. This flexibility allows for customization and tailoring the UI to specific needs without framework limitations. Astro has built-in support for server-side rendering for most content, with a relatively smaller codebase and a simpler learning curve compared to other frameworks like Next.js.

As good as it may seem, Astro is not ideal for complex applications, while Astro excels at building static websites and content-driven applications, its UI-agnostic nature and reliance on web components will require additional effort for complex applications with extensive interactivity and state management. Compared to established frameworks like Next.js, Astro currently offers a smaller range of built-in features and tooling. This may require developers to rely on third-party libraries or plugins for specific functionalities. If you're unfamiliar with web components, there's a learning curve involved in understanding their implementation and best practices.


Stencil is a powerful and versatile web component compiler, Stencil promotes a modular and reusable component-based approach to building web applications. Seems like the team behind Stencil spent some time with the developers at Angular. This improves code organization, maintainability, and reusability. Stencil generates web components compatible with any JavaScript framework, including React, Vue, Angular, and Vanilla JS.

Stencil components are known for their excellent performance, resulting in faster loading times and smoother user experiences. Stencil offers native support for TypeScript, providing type safety and enhanced code development experience. Here are some drawbacks to using Stencil. Compared to frameworks like Astro that minimize JavaScript footprint, Stencil components might slightly increase the overall bundle size due to their compiled nature. Stencil's syntax and features might require some learning time, Stencil doesn't have built-in functionality for SSR or SSG.

Meta Frameworks

JavaScript meta-frameworks are here to stay in the front-end development landscape. These meta-frameworks They offer a higher level of abstraction than traditional frameworks, providing additional features and functionalities on top of existing frameworks or libraries. Meta-frameworks build upon existing frameworks, extending their capabilities and offering additional tools for building complex web applications. They act as a layer between the framework and the developer, providing a more unified and structured development experience. Meta-frameworks often focus on addressing common challenges in modern web development, such as Routing, Simplifying navigation, and URL management.


Next.js is the best JavaScript meta-framework built on top of React. It offers a wide range of features and functionalities that enhance the React development experience, making it a powerful tool for building modern web applications. Next.js supports server-side rendering (SSR) for improved SEO and initial page load performance, Next.js provides built-in routing capabilities with a file-based router, making it easy to define routes and handle navigation within your application.

Next.js offers various data fetching mechanisms, including getStaticProps and getServerSideProps allowing you to fetch data from different sources at different times during the rendering process. Next.js automatically splits your code into separate bundles, ensuring only the necessary code is loaded for each page, improving performance and reducing initial page load time. Next.js enables pre-rendering of static pages.

However there are some limitations to using NextJS, Next.js has a steeper learning curve compared to React due to its additional features and abstractions. Next.js adds additional dependencies to your project, which can potentially increase the overall bundle size. While offering flexibility, Next.js may impose some limitations on customization compared to directly using React.


Nuxt.js isn't just a meta-framework; it's a turbocharger for your Vue applications. Nuxt is Built on top of the beloved Vue.js core, and it extends its capabilities to new heights, empowering you to build cutting-edge web applications with ease and efficiency. Similar to Next.js, Nuxt.js supports server-side rendering (SSR) and client-side rendering (CSR) within the same application. You can choose the rendering mode depending on your specific needs and priorities.

Nuxt.js allows the generating of static HTML files during the build process, further improving performance and SEO for content-heavy websites. Nuxt.js provides built-in routing functionalities, making it easy to define routes and manage navigation within your application. Nuxt.js offers similar data fetching mechanisms to Next.js, including asyncData, fetch, and useAsyncData, enabling data retrieval from various sources at different stages of the rendering process. Nuxt.js comes pre-configured with essential tools such as Babel and Webpack, simplifying the development process and reducing setup time. Nuxt.js boasts a rich ecosystem of modules and plugins.

Although Nuxt.js has a steeper learning curve compared to vanilla Vue due to its additional features and abstractions. Adding Nuxt.js adds additional dependencies to your project, potentially increasing the overall bundle size. While offering customization options, Nuxt.js may impose some limitations compared to directly using Vue.js.


SvelteKit is more than just a framework; it's a revolution in web development. Built on the Svelte library, SvelteKit offers a unique approach to building performant and lightweight web applications with ease and elegance. SvelteKit makes use of reactive data binding and it eliminates the need for virtual DOM manipulation, leading to unparalleled performance and minimal JavaScript footprint. SvelteKit has a component-based architecture where you are forced to organize your code into reusable and maintainable components, promoting modularity and clarity.

It also has full support for server-side rendering (SSR) for SEO-friendly applications and fast initial load times. There's also support for automatic static site generation (SSG) for lightning-fast content delivery and near-instant loading. With minimal runtime dependencies, SvelteKit keeps the bundle size small, delivering a smooth user experience even on low-bandwidth connections.

While SvelteKit offers a compelling set of features and benefits, it's crucial to acknowledge potential drawbacks; SvelteKit's unique approach to component development and routing might require some adaptation from developers accustomed to traditional frameworks. Its syntax might have a steeper learning curve compared to widely used frameworks. Although rapidly growing, SvelteKit's ecosystem of libraries and components is smaller than established frameworks like React or Vue. SvelteKit is still under active development, which means features and APIs might change frequently.

Stay tuned for the second part of this series where we look at frameworks like React, Svelte, Vue, Solid, etc. We will crown our King in that post. What's your thought on Javascript UI frameworks, Did I do justice to the frameworks on the list? Are there frameworks you think should be on this that I omitted? Please let me know using the comment section, I look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions. If you want to learn React for free then you can check out my React for Javascript Developer course, It contains over 15 videos designed to help you get started with building web applications with React.

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