Starting my journey with HNG

Numerous Oriabure - Jun 27 - - Dev Community

I recently got accepted into the HNG internship program. My life has been revolving around tech for a while now. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions for me.

I wouldn't say I'm a newbie to programming in general. I've built simple websites with html, css and js. They're mostly challenges from

I've built simple backend websites too with the help of books using the Django framework, ranging from blogs to photo sharing websites.

Although these didn't go without challenges. One notable problem was understanding how to integrate sending of emails asynchronously using celery and rabbitmq. I implemented it for an e-commerce site. The main issue I had was finding resources that could explain the process. I eventually found a book that implemented it. It was straightforward from there.

Sadly I've not deployed most of the projects. But I'm happy with the knowledge I've gained.

Late last month I stared learning blockchain development with solidity. I successfully created two smart contracts. Even deployed my first NFT yesterday to my testnet.

If I were to be honest with myself. I would say I'm nowhere near job ready. I've come to realise that there's a lot of things to learn from production level projects that people are actively using.

My knowledge and skills are still myopic. Too many things I don't know. Too many loose concepts in my head. I love programming. I really do. But I want more from it. I want to contribute to programming and in essence make impact in the tech world. It's one of the reasons I nicknamed myself "Kalmin The Tech Titan", you would even see it on my twitter profile @KalDTechTitan.

I believe HNG will help me achieve this goal. That's my goal for this program. To gain real world experience and connect with like minds all over the world. Thank you once again HNG for the privilege. I will make you proud.

If you're interested in the HNG program check out these links.

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