Nodemon is not for production!

kamesh - Jun 14 - - Dev Community

What is Nodemon?

Nodemon is a utility that automatically restarts your Node.js application when file changes in the directory are detected. It is very useful during development because it allows developers to see the effects of their changes immediately without having to manually stop and restart the server.

Why Not Use Nodemon in Production?

Performance Overhead: Nodemon constantly watches files for changes, which can consume additional system resources. In a production environment, minimizing resource usage is crucial for optimal performance.

Unnecessary Restarts: In production, the application code is not supposed to change frequently. Automatically restarting the server can lead to unnecessary downtime and disruptions.

Security Risks: Allowing automatic restarts based on file changes can be risky. For example, if an unauthorized person gains access and makes changes to files, Nodemon will restart the application with those potentially malicious changes.

Lack of Control: Automated restarts can lead to unintended consequences, such as temporary service outages or state inconsistencies. In production, it is important to have controlled and predictable deployments.

Best Practices for Production

Use a Process Manager: Tools like PM2 or Forever are better suited for production environments. They can handle process monitoring, restarts, load balancing, and other management tasks.

Manual Deployments: Adopt a deployment process that includes manual checks, testing, and controlled rollouts. Automation tools like CI/CD pipelines can help streamline this process.

Monitoring and Alerts: Implement robust monitoring and alerting systems to detect issues and trigger manual interventions when necessary.

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