Day -02 of learning python programming language..

KAPIL SHAH - Feb 20 - - Dev Community

The thing i learned from python today are as follow:

  1. Tuples:

simply tuples is immutable which means that we can change the data again in list.

taking as an example:


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In tuples list are stored in curly bracket({}).

It is quite faster than that of list.


simply we can say that list is mutable which means that we can edit the list as our wish anytime.

Take any list like :

list student={kapil , Prashant , rajan}

we can use function which are inbuilt ;
list. Append()=for adding element in list .

list .insert()=for adding an element wherever you like to .

list. Replace()=For replacing the data

and so in

it is quite slower comparing to tuples .

we can do list slicing i.e. can print the data from where we want by keeping some range.

numbers = range(5,10,2)
for number in range(5):

In list data are stored in the square bracket ([ ]).

Data can be edited easily .

  1. function :

The most important part of this idea is def( define function )


def sigma(to="world"):
print("noob,", to) # Added a space after the comma for better formatting

name = input("What's your name? ")

If you have any query related to above query than feel to ask.



return .....

def main():
name = input("What's your name?")

def hello(to="world"):
print("hello", name)


That’s all for today’s python course..

. . . .