S3 storage classes

Mohammad Jawad (Kasir) Barati - Aug 8 - - Dev Community

Hey follks, what's up? I just had a really fun time making this cheatsheet like visualization for S3 storage classes, so I decided to share it here. And BTW if you're interested to see the whole work of mine about AWS you can find it here: https://github.com/kasir-barati/paas-system/tree/cloud-practitioner

And here is the list of S3 storage classes:

  • Standard-general purpose.
  • Standard-infrequent access.
  • One zone-infrequent access.
  • Glacier.
    • Glacier instant retrieval.
    • Glacier flexible retrieval.
    • Glacier deep archive.
  • Intelligent-Tiering.
  • Express one zone.

Please lemme know what you think and which one have you used recently and which one is most used one in your projects/company.

NOTE: the quality of this picture is reduced drastically (TBF it is reduced to ashes :kidding:). For a better quality check it in my GH repo.

S3 storage classes

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