Creating a Brain-Mining Mini Game Bot on Telegram

King Triton - Jun 27 - - Dev Community


In the world of Telegram bots, creativity knows no bounds. Recently, I developed another mini app on Telegram called "Memory Game: Brain Mining Edition." Yes, you read that right – I'm mining brains! 🧠😄 This game challenges your memory skills in a fun and engaging way.

Game Mechanics

The game is simple yet addictive. It consists of a grid of cards, each hiding a symbol. Your task is to flip over pairs of cards to find matching symbols. Each successful match earns you points, represented by 🧠 emojis. The more pairs you match, the higher your score climbs.

Technical Implementation

Here's a brief overview of how the game works under the hood:

Frontend (Vue.js)

The frontend of the game is built using Vue.js. Here's a snippet from my App.vue file:

<div class="container">
<h1>Memory Game: Brain Mining Edition</h1>
<h2 class="username">king_triton</h2>
<h3 class="score">{{ totalScore }} 🧠</h3>
<div class="memory-board">
v-for="card in cards"
:isFlipped="flippedCards.includes(card) || card.matched"

import MemoryCard from './components/MemoryCard.vue';

export default {
name: 'App',
components: {
data() {
return {
cards: this.generateCards(),
flippedCards: [],
totalScore: 0,
userId: null,
methods: {
// Methods for card flipping, matching, game reset, and score saving
mounted() {
// Initialization and user data handling

Backend (Telegram API)

The game interacts with the Telegram API for user authentication and cloud storage for saving scores. Here's a snippet showing how scores are saved:
// Example of score saving function
saveScore() {
if (this.userId) {
const tg = window.Telegram.WebApp;
score_${this.userId}, this.totalScore.toString(), (error, success) => {
if (error) {
console.error('Error saving score:', error);
} else {
console.log('Score saved successfully:', success);

Play the Game!

You can experience the Brain Mining game firsthand by clicking here. Challenge your memory skills and compete for the top score!

About Me

I am king_triton, a developer based in Semey, Kazakhstan. Specializing in Telegram bot development and website creation, I offer turnkey development solutions starting from $1000, with a typical project duration of 1 month, provided a detailed technical specification is provided.


Next time you're on Telegram, give "Memory Game: Brain Mining Edition" a try. It's not just about matching symbols – it's about mining those brain cells for fun and profit! Remember, when it comes to Telegram bot development, I'm your go-to developer for innovative and engaging mini apps.

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