Singapore GA: Deploy apps, AI workloads, and databases in seconds

alisdairbr - Feb 27 - - Dev Community

Today, we are thrilled to announce that our Singapore location is generally available to deploy your full stack applications, low-latency AI workloads, APIs, and databases!

Everything you need to deploy high-performance serverless apps is available in Singapore:

Singapore is our first Asia-Pacific region in GA, joining Washington, D.C. and Frankfurt, Germany, EU in the GA club with all our services available in these 3 regions. The new Eco instances are now available in Singapore and allow you to start for only $1.61/month, billed per second.

Singapore benefits from our zero infrastructure management experience with all the platform’s features: continuous deployment, built-in edge network, service mesh and discovery for seamless service-to-service communication, real-time logs and metrics, and more.

With the release of autoscaling in GA today, you can deploy globally autoscaling apps in one click, one CLI command, or one API call across our 6 regions.

Deploy in Singapore in seconds

Whether you prefer a nice control panel or deploying from your shell, you can deploy via our dashboard or through our CLI in a few seconds.

We support deployments with:

  • Git: you can use our seamless GitHub integration to push code from your repositories into production. Our platform handles the build process using native buildpacks or the Dockerfile you provide.
  • Docker images: you can deploy images uploaded to any public or private container registries. This is ideal if you have already a CI in place producing docker images.

In both case, we run your workload in a feel of Firecracker microVMs running on our bare metal servers in your choice of locations.

For today’s demo, we will deploy an example Go application from a public git repository.

Via the CLI

To deploy our Go example in Singapore, run the following command with the CLI:

koyeb app init fast \
  --git \
  --git-branch main \
  --regions sin
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Once the deployment has finished and your application is live, run the following command to obtain the public domain, which you can then use to access your application.

koyeb app get example-golang
ID          NAME            STATUS  DOMAINS                                 CREATED AT
22858b1e    example-golang  HEALTHY [""]   22 Feb 24 13:32 UTC
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Via the control panel

To deploy any project in Singapore using the control panel, you will need to follow 3 steps:

  1. Select your deployment method: GitHub or Docker
  2. Import your project
  3. Configure your service

For example, this is what it looks like to deploy our example Remix application using the control panel:

Deploy any app in Singapore

While configuring your service, you have the option to:

  • Select the regions where you want the service to run 🌎
  • Pick the Instance type and size ⚙️
  • Set custom build and runtime commands 🪄
  • Choose your builder - Use our native buildpacks or your Dockerfile 👷
  • Define custom health checks 🧑‍⚕️

Once you have configured your service, you can deploy it with a single click. The control panel provides you with real-time logs and metrics, so you can monitor your service’s performance.

Bringing the world’s best serverless features to Singapore

We are redefining what serverless means and establishing everything serverless deployments need to be:

Deploy in Singapore on world-class infrastructure at the best performance-price ratio

With an amazing tech startup scene, the APAC region needs high-performance and cost-effective solutions that abstract infrastructure and server management.

Traditionally, the APAC region has been underserved by cloud platforms, leaving businesses and developers limited options - that are usually more complex to set up, more expensive, and without the built-in features necessary for modern applications - to deploy their services in the region.

We're a global serverless cloud platform on a mission to provide businesses and developers around the world with the fastest way to deploy their applications. With our new core location in Singapore, we are enabling faster global deployments in the region.

  • High-performance bare metal servers: Our platform runs directly on high-performance bare metal servers.
  • Cutting-edge purpose-built serverless engine: We custom-built our serverless engine with HashiCorp’s Nomad, Firecracker microVMs, and Kuma. To dive into our internals, you can read about how we built the global deployment platform.
  • Cost-effective Eco Instances start at $1.61 per month: Our new Eco Instances let businesses and developers deploy in Singapore starting at $1.61 per month. If you do not run your service for the entire month, you are only charged for the seconds of computing resources used. Pay-per-use lets you test and prototype ideas more affordably than ever.

Serving your businesses and end users in APAC

As a part of our mission to provide everyone using your apps and services the best possible experience, we needed to add a core location closer to them. With our new core location in Singapore, everyone in the Asia-Pacific region now enjoys blazing-fast response time.

Flashback to one year ago when we started seeing more requests for a new core location. Actually, out of all the platform’s highly-requested features, a new core location in Southeast Asia was one of the year’s top three most requested features.

Koyeb most requested features - Singapore location

We started tinkering with our serverless engine and brainstormed how we wanted to develop its global deployment capabilities. If you want to learn more about how we did it and what decisions we made along the way, read our deep dive about building a global deployment platform. At the end of September, we announced our global container runtime and debuted of 4 new regions in technical preview. One of these regions: Singapore.

Proximity matters: Increasing connectivity and reducing latency

Data can only flow at the speed of light, meaning geographical proximity matters when processing user requests for your services. When you deploy in locations that are as close to your end users, you reduce the physical distance their requests have to travel, creating faster response times and an overall better experience.

In addition to providing seamless global deployments in multiple locations, we offer a native global edge network composed of over 250 edge locations. We leverage Anycast BGP to route requests to the geographically closest servers. These servers are responsible for returning cached responses or routing traffic to the nearest core location where the service is running.

Our native edge network creates a better experience for end-users located worldwide. Without this edge network, every request would need to complete full round trip to the location where the service is running. These round trips mean longer loading times for users, more pressure on your application to handle the local traffic requests, and higher bandwidth costs.

If you want to read more about the built-in global networking we offer, read how we built a multi-region service mesh with Kuma/ Envoy, Anycast BGP, and mTLS.


Our pricing model is simple and transparent, allowing you to scale based on your needs.
You only pay for the seconds of computing resources used.

Hobby Plan

No credit card is required to get started. You can use our free Hobby plan, which lets you deploy 1 free service in either Frankfurt or Washington, D.C. and deploy 1 free managed database Instance.

Starter Plan

When you need more resources or want to deploy additional workloads, you can upgrade to the Starter plan which gives you access to Eco and Standard Instances, all Koyeb regions, collaborate with your team and invite 2 members, and configure up to 10 custom domains.

On the Starter plan, you can deploy on our Eco and Standard Instances. This table shows you the different sizes and prices of the Eco Instances:

Eco Instance Size vCPU Memory Price per second Price per month
eNano 0.1 512MB $0.0000006 $1.61
eMicro 0.25 1GB $0.000001 $2.68
eSmall 0.5 2GB $0.000002 $5.36
eMedium 1 4GB $0.000004 $10.71
eLarge 2 8GB $0.000008 $21.43
eXLarge 4 16GB $0.000016 $42.85
e2XLarge 8 32GB $0.000032 $85.71

Our Standard Instances are ideal for production workloads and resource-intensive applications. Explore our Standard Instances.

We also offer managed PostgreSQL databases, so you can run your databases in the same place as your services. Explore our Postgres database details and pricing.

For more information, visit our pricing page.

Join over 50k developers and deploy global applications across 3 continents 🚀

The Koyeb community is now over 50,000 developers. Our roadmap is public. Upcoming features include scale-to-zero, serverless GPUs, and storage. We share our updates weekly in our changelog.

If you need some ideas about what to deploy first, check out our tutorials section, our one-click apps catalog, and our collection of deploy guides in our documentation.

We are looking forward to seeing what you’ll deploy in Singapore.

To get you started, we provide a Free Tier that lets you deploy your first service and managed database for free. If you want to know more about why we offer a free tier and how we sustain it, read our dedicated blog post about sustaining a free tier.

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