Kueiapp - Nov 30 '21 - - Dev Community



Synchrounous and asynchrounous requests

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A process need to wait for another process got finished and then does something else in synchrounous model; in contract, asynchrounous one does not. ( It will describe with sync and async below.)

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Sample for async functions

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Non-blocking environment

  • how to handle the result of each async processes below??
  • how does our system know the async process is done?? Async

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To handle async processes

what is ES6, ES7, ECMAScript2015...

Method 1: Callback function // ES4 standard

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what is Callback hell

  • Real example 1: XMLHttpRequest ES5 standard

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Method 2: Promise ES6 standard

An object to wrap and unwrap objects and functions asynchronously

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  • Real example 2a: jQuery

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  • Real example 2b: Fetch HTML5 standard

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Method 3: async/await ES7 candidate

For unwrap Promise object easily

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Because sending requests asynchrounously is hard for developers to handle their responses. Using these new methods could be easier to take asynchrounous functions sequentially like accessing synchrounous functions.

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Please be aware that Promise.all() does not guarantee all requests in a sequence but for the resolved result; besides, if a process got failed, Promise.all() would only get error catch



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