SSLC Mark Percentage Calculator:
To calculate the total mark percentage, you can use the formula:
Percentage of marks = (Total marks earned/marks available) * 100
Here are the steps to calculate the total mark percentage:
-Add up the total points earned
-Add up the total points possible
-Divide the total points earned by the total points possible
-Multiply the result by 100
len() returns the number of characters in a text string.
print("Welcome to SSLC Marksheet") # Display a welcome message
# Taking input marks for each subject
tamil = int(input("Tamil mark : ")) # Tamil mark input
english = int(input("English mark : ")) # English mark input
maths = int(input("Maths mark : ")) # Maths mark input
science = int(input("Science mark : ")) # Science mark input
social = int(input("Social mark : ")) # Social mark input
# Calculating the total marks
result = tamil + english + maths + science + social
print("Total Mark :", result) # Display total marks
# Creating a list to store marks
max_mark = [tamil, english, maths, science, social]
# Calculate percentage
percent = result / (len(max_mark) * 100) * 100 # Formula for percentage
print("Percentage (%):", round(percent, 2)) # Display the percentage, rounded to 2 decimal places
Welcome to SSLC Marksheet
Tamil mark : 98
English mark : 88
Maths mark : 98
Science mark : 88
Social mark : 96
Total Mark : 468
Percentage (%): 93.6