Top PPC Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

Lal Sahab Yadav - Jun 18 - - Dev Community

For freshers stepping into the world of PPC, preparing for interviews can be daunting. Here’s a list of the top PPC interview questions and answers to help you get ready.

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Q1. What is PPC?
Ans: PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click, an online advertising model where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. It’s a way of buying visits to your site rather than attempting to earn them organically.

Q2. What are the key benefits of PPC advertising?
Ans: PPC provides quick entry, results are easy to measure and track, it works well with other marketing channels, offers a wealth of useful data, and provides control over budget and targeting.

Q3. What is a quality score?
Ans: A quality score is a metric used by Google to determine the relevance and quality of your keywords and PPC ads. It affects your ad ranking and cost-per-click.

Q4. How is the quality score determined?
Ans: It’s determined by the ad’s click-through rate (CTR), the relevance of each keyword to its ad group, landing page quality, and historical performance.

Q5. What is a keyword in PPC?
Ans: Keywords are the phrases or terms that advertisers bid on in PPC campaigns. They trigger your ad to be shown to users searching for those terms.

Q6. Explain the importance of a landing page in a PPC campaign.
Ans: A landing page is where users land after clicking your ad. It should be relevant, user-friendly, and optimized to convert visitors into customers.

Q7. What is ad auction in PPC?
Ans: Ad auction is the process that Google uses to determine which ads to show, the order in which they appear, and how much they cost.

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