Effective way to deploy virtual machines using Quickstart Templates and Monitor your resources through Mobile App.

LATEEF - May 24 - - Dev Community

A Quick Start Template on Azure is a pre-built solution or framework designed to expedite the process of deploying and configuring resources within the Azure cloud environment. These templates provide a standardized and automated way to set up infrastructure, services, and applications, saving time and effort for users. They typically include predefined configurations for common scenarios such as virtual machines, databases, web applications, and more, allowing users to easily customize and deploy resources with minimal manual intervention.

Deploying a Quick Start Template on Azure involves few steps with result in shortest possible time. Here's a general step-by-step procedure:

Access Azure Portal: Log in to the Azure portal at https://portal.azure.com using your Azure account credentials.
In search bar, type "Quickstart templates." you'll find various options Click on "Deploy a custom
templates." option to explore.

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STEP 2 Browse through the available Quick Start Templates and select the one that best fits your needs. In this case, I would like to create a window virtual machine
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Review its description, documentation, and parameters. Basicaly, add a Resource Group, Username and password of your choice. Then click on Review and Create Tab at the bottom part of the screen.

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Click on create.

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Wait for the it to successfully deploy

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After the completion of the Deployment, click on "GO TO REOURCE GROUP" tab to see the created virtual machines.

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Among the list of newly generated resources, click on the "simple vm"

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Azure provides tools for monitoring the performance, usage, and health of mobile apps in real-time. Developers can gain insights into user behavior, app performance, and potential issues through services like Application Insights and Azure Monitor.
Click on the "Open in mobile" tab, copy the link or scan barcode to install Azure mobile app.

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Through the link, the next page will require you to install the Azure mobile app on your device

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This procedure provides a general overview of deploying a Quick Start Template on Azure and monitor your app via your mobile device from anywhere with ease.

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