Tech. Vocabularies/Terminologies You Should Know as a Developer - Part 2

Ernest Obot - Dec 9 '22 - - Dev Community

Checkout part 1 here

Continuous Deployment: As soon as the code reaches the main repository, it can be automatically and safely deployed in production.

CRUD: A series of the basic operations one must consider while dealing with data: create, retrieve, update, and delete.

Data Center: A building or a room in a building that is dedicated to store computers in safe conditions such as room temperature, humidity, Internet connection, etc.

Data Locality: When there is a restriction that some data must be used and stored in the same place. Typically imposed by countries to protect the consumer’s privacy.

Database Systems: that are designed for storing and finding information (data).

Database Schema: How tables and information are organized in a relational database.

Debug: The process of finding the root cause of a bug.

Deploy: The process of moving a software from the development stage to the production stage.

Devbox: Same as development environment.

Development Environment: The environment where a code program is being created; thus, it is still not available to users. Also known as the development stage or devbox.

Domain: The “name” part of a URL such as “wikipedia” in It’s also used to refer to the combination of domain and top-level domain such as

Dynamic website: A website where the information depends on and changes with the user that is using the system.

Dynamically Typed Language: A programming language that doesn’t require the developer to write which type each variable is (such as an integer or a float number) before ever running the code.

e2e: A type of test that aims to represent exactly what the user goes through, making sure that all parts work as the user expects.

Endpoint: A part of the server that can handle a specific request.

*feature: * A new functionality that is added to a software.

Feature flag: A strategy where a new feature is kept behind a gate. You can onboard users to this new feature slowly, as you gain more confidence that everything is working correctly.

Float number: A number that contains decimal digits such as 6.25. An alternative to integer numbers.

Framework: A language-specific tool that comes with features prebuilt and ready for a developer to build on top of while guaranteeing some features that are needed regardless of the reasons why a system was built.

Framework extensibility: How easy it is to create additional tools and adapt an existing framework.

Frontend: Area of the system that is responsible for managing user interaction.

Function: Some piece of code that receives inputs, works with them internally, and returns one or more outputs.

git: The main tool used for software versioning where you can see what was built, when, and by whom.

GitHub: A platform for code sharing and development that uses Git, similar to GitLab.

GitLab: A platform for code sharing and development that uses Git, similar to GitHub.

*glue work: * Tasks that are indispensable for a team to function, but can easily go unrecognized like writing documentation, writing notes, and mentoring.

*Hard skills: * Technical skills, like coding and software architecture. Complemented by soft skills.

Hardware The physical part of a technological device.

Hosting provider: A company that rents a computer so you can run your software on it.

Watch out for part 3

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