Importing images in React

Maria Campbell - Oct 10 '17 - - Dev Community

Importing images in React

As some of you who are following my posts may already know, I have been working on a React version of my Front End Developer Portfolio. As much as I love my Jekyll version, I wanted to try new things. I also wanted to get going on my own projects using React while continuing my deep dive into various React workflows.

I'll be getting into the various changes I made to my developer toolkit related to the app's worklow in other articles. Here I just want to talk about what I had to do to make images I used work properly in my app both locally AND remotely.


First I want to talk about what webpack tools you need in order to be able to add images to your React application. It's not just about what you need to do with React. If your workflow emanates from webpack, you have to take care of the webpack requirements first.

There are two native webpack loaders that load images: the url-loader and the file-loader. The url-loader is good for development. It works like the file-loader, but it returns a DataURL if the file is < 10000 bytes.

My url-loader configuration in webpack-dev.config.js:

    test: /\.(pdf|jpg|png|gif|svg|ico)$/,
    use: [
            loader: 'url-loader'

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For example, when I inspect my footerTwitter.png file in Chrome DevTools, it shows up in the following way:

    <a href="">
        <img class="footerTwiiter" src="data:image/png:base64, iVBOR....AZaPAJx1SWgAAAAASUVORK5CYII=" width="40" alt="twitter">

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That's because footerTwitter.png < 10,000 bytes. However, my profileSmall.png is > 10,000 bytes, and it shows up in Devtools like so:

<div class="Home-content">
    <div class="Home-profile">
        <img src="0688089....png" class="Profile-image" alt="Profile image">

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I don't mind if my image shows up as an ugly, indeterminate file, but I don't like having it that way in production. I want to add a [hash] to the name, but I also want to keep the original name of the file so I can recognize it. That's where the file-loader comes in.

The file-loader is good for production. This is what my file-loader configuration looks like in my webpack-prod.config.js:

    test: /\.(jpg|png|gif|svg|pdf|ico)$/,
    use: [
            loader: 'file-loader',
            options: {
                name: '[path][name]-[hash:8].[ext]'

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If I didn't add an options object, the names of my files would be those long ugly hashes followed by their native extension by default. But by adding the name property along with customizations, I am able to change the behavior of the file-loader and emit my own custom filename.

[path] refers to the path of the file relative to entry. The value of the entry property in my webpack-prod.config.js file is:

entry: {
    bundle: './src/index.js',

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Since everything needed for the application is included in index.js, and index.js is in the src directory, [path] refers to the path to a file relative to src. And since I am also using [name], which refers to the name of ANY given file, and therefore includes ANY GIVEN FILE in src, all files in src are copied into the dist folder relative to src. Since the images directory is outside of src, it gets copied into dist as its original images directory including any sub-directories, in dist. No src directory is added before it. But there is a little glitch to this setup. There is a little file called favicon.ico which resides at the top of src. I need to add |ico to my file-loader test property so that webpack knows to load it into the application. I am also using [path][name] which ends up copying all files within src into dist. When I run a production build, webpack creates a src directory in dist that contains favicon-[hash].ico. I haven't found a way to prevent src from being created in dist yet, and I don't know that there is any. Others have encountered similar issues, and to my knowledge, a solution has not yet been found. Perhaps it's time for a feature request?

[hash:8] refers to the hash that is added after the filename, and the number 8 refers to the length of the hash. the default length is just way too long! As for choosing a separator, the best practice seems to be either a . or a -. I personally like to clearly see my separator, so I went with -.

.[ext] refers to the file extension. By using [ext] instead of just one extension means that any file extension that has been defined in the file-loader test property will be included.


STRUCTURE is so important. Anyone who has created Gulp workflows for their HTML5, JS, and CSS3 apps knows what I am talking about. Paths to images, which are related to the structure, are so important as well. Proper structure in both your React App and in your webpack.config.js also ensures that Webpack will correctly move your images into your dist folder, and provide the correct PATHS.

In order to be able to import images into React components, you have to make sure that locally the images reside within the same parent directory as the components OR that the images are exported from the directory they reside in so they can be imported into any of your components. In my Portfolio React application, my components folder looks like this:


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It resides in src:


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And this is what my images folder looks like:


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However, my images directory does not reside in the same directory as my components, the components directory. It resides in the root direcory.

Why? Because this was the only way in which webpack would exactly replicate my image directory structure. This is what I have in my webpack-prod.config.js:

module: {
    rules: [
            test: /\.(jpg|png|gif|svg|pdf|ico)$/,
            use: [
                    loader: 'file-loader',
                    options: {
                        name: '[path][name]-[hash:8].[ext]'

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The name property refers to the name of an image file. [path] refers to the path to that image file STARTING with its root directory. I use this term loosely, as technically the root directory of an application is its topmost directory. In my example here, it would be portfolio-react. However, the src directory, where webpack extracts the data it needs to bundle the files our applications depend on to run, and then the rest of the path to a file is what is replicated in our destination folder in production, i.e. dist. So if the path to an image in development was src/images/img.jpg, it would replicate to the dist directory in the same way but with dist as the topmost directory: dist/src/images/img.jpg. That just would be too weird and would not work!

By placing the images directory outside of src in root, the images directory was replicated in the following way in dist:


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I created a little script in my package.json to get rid of the source folder after running a new build:

"cleanSrc": "rimraf dist/src",

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I already had the rimraf npm package installed and use it for my "clean": "rimraf dist" script, so it was easy to create another one.

There is a last and crucial step that was needed in order for the loading of my images to work properly in my Portfolio React app, since the components and the images directory did not reside in the same directory. I created an index.js file within the images directory. It consisted of exporting all files within the images directory and any of its sub-directories:

export profileSmall from './profileSmall.png';

export mdcResume8217 from './resume/mdcResume8217.pdf';

export linkedin from './icons/linkedin.svg';
export googleplus from './icons/googleplus.svg';
export github from './icons/github.svg';
export twitter from './icons/twitter.svg';

export footerTwitter from './icons/footerTwitter.png';
export footerGithub from './icons/footerGithub.png';
export footerGoogle from './icons/footerGoogle.png';
export footerLinkedin from './icons/footerLinkedin.png';

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If I hadn't done this last step, my images would not have appeared! I also would not have been able to import them into my components in the following (and proper) way:

import React from 'react';
import Typist from 'react-typist';

import linkedin from '../../images/icons/linkedin.svg';
import googleplus from '../../images/icons/googleplus.svg';
import github from '../../images/icons/github.svg';
import twitter from '../../images/icons/twitter.svg';

export const Contact = () => (
    <div className="Contact-content">
        <div className="contact-social">
            <h2 className="title-social">Follow me</h2>
                    <a href="" target="_blank">
                        <img className="twitter" src={twitter} width="40" alt="twitter"/>
                    <a href="" target="_blank">
                        <img className="github" src={github} width="40" alt="github"/>
                    <a href="" target="_blank">
                        <img className="google-plus" src={googleplus} width="40" alt="google plus"/>
                    <a href="" target="_blank">
                        <img className="linkedin" src={linkedin} width="40" alt="linkedin"/>
            <div className="follow">
                    <a href="" target="_blank">Medium</a>
                    <a href="" target="_blank">Dev. Blog</a>
                    <a href="" target="_blank">co. blog</a>
            <div className="email">
                <h2 className="title-social">Email</h2>
                    <a href=""></a>
            <div className="contribute">
                <h2 className="title-social">Contributor to</h2>
                    <a href="" trget="_blank">hello.js</a>
                    <a href="" target="_blank">The Practical Dev</a>

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And presto! You have structured your React application in such a way that React correctly interprets your image files. This ensures that you can import them into your components. AND you have successfully configured your webpack-dev.js and webpack-prod.config.js so that it loads all your images and image types correctly into your React application's development AND production builds.

Related resources:

Portfolio React App on Github

webpack url-loader

webpack file-loader

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