Google Sheet + Google Drive = 🀯 - Part 1

Luke - May 5 - - Dev Community

This is the 3rd post in my portfolio series. In a previous article, I wrote the way I implement API. I will tell you about my journey to find the way to show my repository on portfolio

This is the hardest part (with me) in this series, I repeat, the hardest part (with me)!!! πŸ€ͺ



As I said, I am a back-end guy so I want to try to make everything automatic, less manual as I can. Like articles section, I want projects section work as the same. The first solution I think is GitHub RestAPI, its usage is quite simple BUT ... when I implemented it into 80%, I realized it does not get a thumbnail of project, I be like image below when I know it
Although I can use default image for all projects, but I don't want πŸ™„. I started to research with the support of Mr.KnowEverything - a.k.a Google, and no hope πŸ˜‘.


After many and many searches, when I prepared to give up, I saw FreeCodeCamp's post about using Google Sheets to build CMS. An idea appeared in my head πŸ’‘ what if I build the CMS to store repository info - sounds possible huh?

When I found the way and connected with some research, I decided to combine Google Sheets and Google Drive to solve it 😎.


System Design

Here is the sketch design of my solution


System Design

In this design, it will have 3 main components:

  • API Gateway: Access to get repository info (git_url, thumbnail_id, etc)
  • Google Sheets: Act like SQL data table, store repository info
  • Google Drive: Store the thumbnail of the repository and return a unique ID to save into the sheet (We will use this to load the thumbnail on the website πŸ˜‰)


Sound like my solution is a little bit messy, so if you have any suggestions, please tell me πŸ€—

In the next article, I will show how to implement this in code.

Happy coding and learning!

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