Why Core Knowledge in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP is Timeless

Long Blade - Jun 7 - - Dev Community

Web development, man, it's like it's on some kind of fast-forward button! New stuff pops up all the time, saying it'll make our lives easier and work smoother. But here's the thing: there's a big difference between hopping on the latest bandwagon and really knowing your stuff when it comes to the tech that makes the internet tick. So, let me tell you a story about this developer buddy of mine, John. His career had some serious ups and downs because of this whole framework deal.

John, he started out hot. Straight out of college, he scored a sweet gig at a big tech place. He knew this one framework like the back of his hand, and he was whipping out killer web apps like nobody's business. Dude was on fire, and he knew it.

But time goes by, and tech changes faster than fashion trends. Those new frameworks come along, and suddenly the one John was all about isn't the cool kid anymore. The thing is, these new toys need you to get down with the nitty-gritty – HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP – all the stuff that's like the internet's building blocks. And John? He never really got that deep into it.

So now, the company's got these young bucks coming in, and they're like sponges with these new frameworks because they actually get the core stuff. John's stuck trying to keep up, and let's just say it's not pretty. His mojo's gone because he's trying to use tools he doesn't really understand.

Fast forward to now, and John's still there, but he's not the big shot anymore. His workmates respect his OG status, but they feel bad because he's stuck in the slow lane of tech. And it's all because he didn't wanna learn the boring stuff everyone thought was old news.

So if you're in the game or looking to hire someone, take a page out of John's book, but learn from his mistakes. You wanna be the developer that's versatile, not the one who's left in the dust. Frameworks are cool, like the latest gadgets, but if you don't get the basics, you're gonna struggle when the next big thing hits.

I've seen it with job seekers, too. They come in all flashy with their framework skills, but when it comes to the real McCoy – the stuff that actually makes the internet work – they're lost. The ones who get it, who can ride the wave of change because they know their HTML from their elbow, they're the ones that shine.

So the moral of the story? If you're starting out in web dev or you're the boss man looking for fresh talent, remember John. Spend some quality time with the core tech – HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP – it's like your bread and butter. That way, you'll always be ready for whatever the tech world throws at you.

And don't be John, you know? Get those basics down pat, and you'll be set for life. Frameworks are fun, but they're like fads. Knowledge of the core stuff? That's your golden ticket, buddy. It's what keeps you ahead of the game, no matter what.

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