Server-Side Rendering with React.JS: A Technical Guide

lucyzeniffer09 - Oct 31 '23 - - Dev Community

For quite some time now, server-side rendering has been available. Since its introduction in the early 2000s, numerous websites have used it. This method works by pre-rendering HTML pages on a server and returning them to the client's browser upon request.

The page is rendered on the server when using server-side rendering (SSR). By doing this, users can access the page even before their browser loads.

What is the Process of Server-side Rendering (SSR)?

It is the procedure by which a webpage is rendered on the server and then sent to the browser. Therefore, all static elements are rendered in the HTML instantly upon the server returning a ready-to-render HTML page together with the required JS scripts.

In the meantime, the page becomes interactive as the browser loads and runs the JS code. The browser now manages the client-side interactions on this page. For any new content or data, the browser uses APIs to submit a request to the server; just the newly needed data is retrieved.

Overview of React's server-side rendering

The ReactDOMServer.renderToString method enables server-side rendering in React, which involves sending the string back to the browser from a Node.js HTTP server.

When using ReactDOMServer, you may display your components onto an HTML string and send them back to the client instead of only receiving an object or array of objects. This is known as server-side rendering.

Your entire application—including any data required for initializing it, such as API responses or initial state variables—is rendered into a single HTML string by the renderToString method. This is ideal because you can use the string anywhere—on the server, in a static site generator, or even in other projects!

In React, server-side rendering is the method by which the server transforms web pages into readable layouts prior to sending them to the browser. Thus, static HTML markup can be used to represent dynamic components.

This method may be useful for search engine optimization (SEO) when indexing is unable to handle JavaScript appropriately. It can also come in handy if your slow network is making it difficult to download a big JavaScript bundle.

Advantages Of React's Server-Side Rendering

When a page is rendered and loaded from the server, it is said to be server-side rendering. Since server-side (universal) React was introduced, a few things have changed. Subsequent pages load straight from the client because the initial page is rendered by the server.

By combining the strength of the initial server-side content with the speed of subsequent loads that only request the content needed for future requests, you get the best of both worlds.

Enhancing application performance is one of the key benefits of server-side rendering in React. It is by no means the only benefit of server-side rendering, though. Let's explore all the benefits that server-side rendering and React integration may offer your application.

1.Availability Of Content
An image and title are automatically created when a social network user posts a link to a server-side rendered application. Therefore, social network snippets can help you increase traffic by highlighting the content of your application.

2.Accurate Metrics for Page Loading
When a client renders an application, the server is deprived of information regarding the speed at which the client downloads the website's content.

You have no idea how long it will take a client to view the content of your application once it is displayed on their end. You won't be able to determine whether the speed is sufficient or has to be increased as a result.

3.Increased Performance
Thanks to server-side rendering in React, JavaScript doesn't need to be downloaded before the website can be loaded. Client-side rendering is not necessary because the fully rendered HTML file is displayed instantly in the client's browser.

Your website users won't have to wait for the application content to load while starring at never-ending loaders or spinners if your application uses server-side rendering.

Image description

Adopting server-side rendering with React.JS brings a multitude of advantages to the table. By leveraging the ReactDOMServer.renderToString method, React allows for the efficient pre-rendering of HTML pages on the server, facilitating faster initial page loads and enhanced performance. This addresses potential challenges with slow network connections and large JavaScript bundles and opens doors to improved search engine optimization. If you're searching for a React.JS app development company that excels in implementing cutting-edge server-side rendering techniques, look no further. Our team is committed to delivering seamless, high-performing solutions tailored to your business needs.

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