Master the Art of Software Testing with F.I.R.S.T Principles

Luis Filipe Pedroso - Apr 30 - - Dev Community

Software testing is crucial to software development, ensuring that the product meets the desired requirements and functions as intended. Testing principles guide software testers and developers to create efficient, practical, high-quality tests. One such set of principles is F.I.R.S.T (Fast, Independent, Repeatable, Self-validating, Thorough), introduced by Robert “Uncle Bob” Martin.

In this blog post, we will dive into the meaning of these principles. Whether you are a seasoned software tester or a beginner, this post will provide valuable insights and best practices for improving your testing process and ensuring the quality of your software.


Says that tests should be quick to run, allowing developers to receive feedback on the code changes on time. The reasons for this are:

  • Improved Developer Productivity: fast tests allow developers to quickly and efficiently verify their code changes, freeing up time for more productive tasks.
  • Faster Feedback Loop: tests that take too long to run slowly down the development process and discourage frequent testing, crucial for catching and fixing bugs early.
  • Increased Test Coverage: fast tests enable developers to write and run more tests, which can uncover potential issues and improve the overall quality of the software.
  • Better Test Design: fast tests force developers to think critically about the design and implementation of their tests, leading to better test suites that are easier to maintain and less prone to errors.


Emphasizes that tests should be isolated from each other and not rely on the state or output of other tests. The factors behind this principle are:

  • Reliable Results: independent tests produce predictable and consistent results, making diagnosing and fixing bugs easier.
  • Improved Test Design: Independent tests encourage developers to design tests focusing on specific functionality, leading to a well-structured and comprehensive test suite.
  • Easier Debugging: when tests are independent, it is easier to identify the source of a failure, as the problem can be isolated to a specific test.
  • Faster Test Execution: independent tests can be executed in any order, allowing developers to run a subset of tests relevant to the changes they made, speeding up the testing process.
  • Better Test Maintenance: independent tests are less prone to breakage, as changes to one test do not affect the behavior of other tests.


It remains that tests should be able to be run multiple times in the same environment and produce the same results. The motivations behind this principle are:

  • Consistent Results: produce the same results each time they are run, making detecting and diagnosing failures easier.
  • Improved Confidence: increase confidence in the software, as developers know that the results of the tests are reliable and accurate.
  • Easier Debugging: this makes it easier to identify and fix bugs, as the source of the failure can be easily reproduced.
  • Better Test Maintenance: less prone to breakage, as changes to the environment or test data, do not affect the results.
  • Improved Collaboration: make it easier for multiple developers to work on the same codebase, as they can be confident that the tests will produce consistent results.


Refers to the ability of a test to verify its results without the need for manual intervention. The reasons behind this concept are:

  • Improved efficiency: self-validating saves time and effort as they can automatically check the results without manual validation.
  • Reduced errors: manual validation can introduce errors, which self-validating tests can reduce.
  • Increased reliability: self-validating tests can provide more reliable results as they reduce the potential for human error.
  • Improved maintainability: self-validating tests are easier to maintain, as they do not require manual intervention to check results.
  • Increased confidence: self-validating tests can increase confidence in the results, as they are automatically verified, reducing the risk of human error.


Remains the idea that software testing should be comprehensive and cover all relevant areas of the system being tested. The reasons to adhere to the particular concept are:

  • Increased confidence: it can increase confidence in the results, as it covers all relevant system areas and reduces the risk of missed bugs or issues.
  • Improved quality: it can help to ensure the overall quality of the software, as it covers all relevant areas and reduces the risk of defects.
  • Reduced costs: it can reduce the cost of software development, as it reduces the need for rework or fixing bugs discovered later in the development cycle.
  • Improved user experience: it can improve the user experience, ensuring the software is free from defects and works as expected.
  • Better compliance: it can help ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations, as it covers all relevant system areas.

The benefits of adhering to the F.I.R.S.T Principles

  • Fast: adhering to the “Fast” principle leads to developing efficient and practical tests, resulting in enhanced software quality and augmented developer productivity.
  • Independent: following the “Independent” principle enables software teams to develop tests that are dependable, manageable, and furnish precise feedback on the software’s quality.
  • Repeatable: sticking to the “Repeatable” principle results in the development of tests that are reliable, consistent, and easy to maintain, leading to improved software quality and increased developer productivity.
  • Self-validating: adhering to the “Self-validating” principle helps ensure test results’ accuracy, efficiency, and reliability.
  • Thorough: cleaving to the “Thorough” principle helps to ensure the quality, reliability, and overall effectiveness of the software being tested.

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