ReactJS vs. React Native: A Beginner's Guide

LUKMAN SAID MODIBBO - Jun 28 - - Dev Community

ReactJS and React Native are two powerful technologies from Facebook that have revolutionized the way we build web and mobile applications. While they share a common name and some similar principles, they serve different purposes. In this article, we'll compare ReactJS and React Native, highlighting their key differences and unique features. We'll also touch upon my expectations with React during the HNG Internship program.
ReactJS vs. React Native:

  1. Purpose and Usage: ReactJS: ReactJS, often referred to simply as React, is a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces, primarily for web applications. It allows developers to create reusable UI components and manage the state of their web applications efficiently. React Native: React Native is a framework that enables developers to build mobile applications using JavaScript and React. It allows for the development of native mobile apps for both iOS and Android platforms using a single codebase.
  2. Platform Differences: ReactJS: ReactJS is used exclusively for web development. It works in the browser and interacts with the DOM (Document Object Model) to render web pages. React Native: React Native is used for mobile app development. It compiles to native code, allowing the apps to perform like native apps on both iOS and Android devices.
  3. Development Environment: ReactJS: For ReactJS development, you primarily need a code editor like VS Code and a web browser for testing. You write components using JSX (JavaScript XML) which makes the code more readable and maintainable. React Native: React Native development requires additional setup, including an emulator or a physical mobile device for testing. You'll also need tools like Expo or React Native CLI. React Native components are written in JSX but render to native components.
  4. Components: ReactJS: Components in ReactJS are HTML-like elements that render to the DOM. They can be functional or class-based components. React Native: React Native components are not HTML elements. Instead, they map to native components like , , and which are used to build the UI for mobile apps.
  5. Styling: ReactJS: In ReactJS, you typically use CSS or CSS-in-JS libraries like styled-components for styling. React Native: In React Native, styling is done using JavaScript objects that resemble CSS but have different properties. You use the StyleSheet API provided by React Native. My Expectations with React at HNG: As a beginner, I am thrilled to use React in the HNG Internship program. I look forward to building complex and dynamic web applications, honing my skills in component-based architecture, and learning best practices from experienced developers. The hands-on experience with React will prepare me for real-world projects and enhance my understanding of modern web development. Conclusion: ReactJS and React Native are both fantastic technologies for building modern applications, but they serve different purposes. ReactJS is ideal for web development, while React Native is perfect for mobile app development. By understanding their differences and unique features, developers can choose the right tool for their specific project needs. HNG Links: To learn more about the HNG Internship program, visit HNG Internship and HNG Hire.