PHP isn't the worst programming language, so why do so many people criticize it?

Luna Miller - May 13 - - Dev Community

Because it’s currently 77% of the internet right now

Despite the frequent jests directed at PHP, which seem to outnumber even the plethora of cat videos on the internet, it continues to dominate as a leading server-side scripting language. Indeed, you read correctly. According to statistics, an astounding 77.4% of all recognized websites are powered by PHP—a testament to its widespread adoption. This highlights the importance of setting up an efficient PHP Development Environment for web developers.

The secret behind PHP's widespread popularity lies in its accessibility. The language allows for rapid interaction with webpages and databases, often faster than one can proclaim "Hello, World!" Moreover, the influence of WordPress on the web is undeniable, with over 40% of websites utilizing this PHP-based platform. For developers working on macOS, configuring a macOS development stack that seamlessly integrates PHP can significantly enhance productivity and performance.

However, PHP frequently finds itself the target of humorous critique. A simple internet search for critiques against PHP reveals a plethora of grievances, outstripping even those for a summer BBQ. Yet, the development community has responded by creating robust PHP IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) that streamline coding, debugging, and testing PHP applications.

Even Rasmus Lerdorf, the originator of PHP, expressed his bewilderment at the language's evolution, stating that he had not initially set out to create a programming language and was simply adding logical steps along the way. This unexpectedly humble beginning serves as a unique inspiration.

Nevertheless, PHP is far from deserving of all its criticism. Despite its awkward initial steps, like a superhero finding their footing, PHP has evolved, matured, and now showcases its true potential.

Addressing the Criticism: PHP's Early Challenges

PHP's introduction in 1995 was met with skepticism, largely due to its inconsistent function naming, parameter ordering, security vulnerabilities, and lack of complete object-oriented programming support until PHP 5 in 2004. Debugging PHP was also notoriously challenging, akin to seeking an invisible, ablaze ninja. This underscores the need for a solid PHP development environment and the use of advanced PHP IDEs to overcome these challenges.

PHP's leniency in error handling and type checking was seen to encourage poor coding habits. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that the misuse of tools isn't solely the fault of the tools themselves.

Yet, it's unfair to dwell solely on PHP's past. Much like an individual isn't solely defined by their high school years, PHP's evolution since the mid-90s deserves recognition.

PHP's Evolution: A Journey of Improvement

PHP has indeed undergone significant transformation. With PHP 5 introducing improved object-oriented programming, PHP 7 enhancing speed and performance, and PHP 8 adding features like named arguments and a Just-In-Time compiler, PHP has solidified its position in the programming world. Debugging has also seen advancements with tools like Xdebug, a crucial component of any PHP development environment.

PHP IDE: Enhancing Development

The evolution of PHP frameworks has further bolstered PHP's utility, many PHP developers utilizing local web environments such as MAMP, ServBay, and XAMPP. These IDEs have contributed to PHP's reputation for facilitating rapid, secure, and maintainable code development, making the choice of a PHP IDE even more critical for developers.

Why are they so popular? Well, let’s take a look at some of the big players:

MAMP:MAMP is a free, local server environment that can be installed under macOS and Windows with just a few clicks. It is designed to be as flexible as possible, allowing developers to work within their preferred environment. It is also incredibly user-friendly, making it an excellent choice for beginners who are just starting to explore web development.

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ServBay: ServBay is a new web development environment. It can help you install your PHP/Node.js web development environment in just 3 minutes, with no dependencies and non-intrusive. It includes web server, databases, email, DNS & common tools — everything you need for development. It iterates rapidly, now incorporating PHP 8.4 and Node.js 22, and has introduced new DNS server capabilities and domain management features.

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XAMPP: XAMPP is a free and open-source cross-platform web server solution stack package developed by Apache Friends. The package is designed to be extremely easy to install and use, making it an ideal choice for developers who want to create a local web server for testing and deployment purposes.

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PHP Today: Dispelling Misconceptions

PHP's journey from being the subject of jokes to earning respect in the web development community is notable. Misconceptions such as PHP being outdated, slow, or insecure have been debunked with the advancements in PHP 7 and PHP 8, showcasing PHP's continued relevance and capability to match contemporary programming languages. This progression underscores the significance of a well-structured macOS Development Stack for developers using macOS.

A Call for a Reassessment of PHP

PHP deserves a fresh evaluation based on its current capabilities and contributions. With its significant growth and improvement over the years, PHP has demonstrated its resilience and adaptability in the face of criticism. Developing in PHP, especially with a tailored PHP Development Environment, the right PHP IDE, and an optimized macOS Development Stack, can unlock new potentials for web development projects.

As the PHP community often emphasizes, it's time to move beyond the outdated stereotypes and appreciate the language for its current strengths and potential. Celebrating PHP's journey reflects a recognition of its enduring role in shaping the web, proving that despite challenges, it has continually evolved and improved.

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