Switch Statement is a feature in many programming languages that allow the programmer to eliminate numerous nested if-else constructs thus improving code clarity.
Take a look on the following example:
public String toDayStringUsingIf(int dayIndex) {
String result;
if (dayIndex == 0) {
result = "Sunday";
} else if (dayIndex == 1) {
result = "Monday";
} else if (dayIndex == 2) {
result = "Tuesday";
} else if (dayIndex == 3) {
result = "Wednesday";
} else if (dayIndex == 4) {
result = "Thursday";
} else if (dayIndex == 5) {
result = "Friday";
} else if (dayIndex == 6) {
result = "Saturday";
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid day index");
return result;
In the switch statement form:
public String toDayStringUsingSwitch(int dayIndex) {
String result;
switch (dayIndex) {
case 1:
result = "Sunday";
case 2:
result = "Monday";
case 3:
result = "Tuesday";
case 4:
result = "Wednesday";
case 5:
result = "Thursday";
case 6:
result = "Friday";
case 7:
result = "Saturday";
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid day index");
return result;
You can see individual cases more clearly in the switch statement, it makes other developer understand the code easily. It may still looks longer than the if-else statement, but there are some improvement in the enhanced version of switch statement that makes the code more leaner.. Even that Switch statement is more clearer than the if-else statement, there are several conditions that Switch statement cannot replace the if-else statement.
To learn more about the enhanced version of switch in Java, you could check this article: Enhanced Switch Statement in Java
To understand this concept even more, it is highly suggested to surf throughout the reference list down below.
- https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/13/language/switch-expressions.html
- https://www.w3schools.com/java/java_switch.asp
- https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/switch.html
- https://www.baeldung.com/java-switch
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