Tech Talk: React in the Terminal? Hold my Beer 🍺

Manuel Artero Anguita 🟨 - Dec 20 '23 - - Dev Community

My company organizes a big event once per year. Around ~600 attendees. There are five simultaneous tracks for keynotes; Product, Project management, Design, Dev, Devops... It's the main event of the season for us.

You get the idea.

This year i decided to present a tech talk. 45 min long. The complete thing: slides & live coding.

I named it: «React in the Terminal? Hold my beer 🍺»

While the slides are in English, i'm afraid the talk itself was in my mother language (🇪🇸) and i won't share the recording.

However, here are the resources I used for the talk:

  1. The slides: up & running hosted at Vercel; I used SliDev, a framework that turns markdown into a web app which behaves like a Keynote. It's pretty cool.
    I genuinely think SliDev deserves its own post someday 🤔.

  2. my-react-dom: Repository with a custom implementation of react-dom used to live coding. Two branches: playground and main

  3. ink-world: Repository for a tiny-tiny-tiny game using Ink + React on the terminal again, used to live coding. Two branches: playground and main.

Talk Recap

I led a quick journey, starting with the simplest «Hello World» in React...

...But unrolling the jsx syntax, making more obvious where we're invoking react and where we are calling react-dom

Slide no 7

This led us to the question: why are react and react-dom separated into two different packages?

We discussed the philosophy that React embraces; they mention "interfaces" and how React is designed to plug into any interface.

Slide no. 8

Next step: react-reconciler: the package the React team provides to create your custom renderer.

Slide no. 9

Time to live coding session (my-react-dom)

This is the goal: replace the ReactDOM object with one of our own and keeping the Counter APP running.

import React from 'react';
-import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
+import ReactDOM from './my-custom-react-dom';
import './styles.css';
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

✨ Ah! and that's also deployed at Vercel:

Screenshot for

If you open de dev tools, you may check the console:

Screenshot of the console

At this point, I took a small leap: while implementing a tiny react-dom is one thing, crafting the plugin for the terminal is a different tale.

So i introduced the solution by Vadim Demedes: Ink.

Ink is a React renderer for the terminal.

I did prepare a playground (check the playground branch) with just 2 dependencies: ink and react

You can check the final code at GitHub. Anyway, in a nutshell:


function useWorld({ onGameOver, onGameWin }) {
  const [world, setWorld] = useState([

  useEffect(() => {
      if (random > 0.5) {
        return moveEnemyRight();
      if (random < 0.5) {
        return moveEnemyLeft();

  const moveEnemyRight = () => {
    setWorld((currentWorld) => {
      ... bla bla

  const moveEnemyLeft = () => {
    setWorld((currentWorld) => {
      ... bla bla

  const moveCharacterRight = () => ...

  const moveCharacterLeft = () => ...

  return { world, moveCharacterRight, moveCharacterLeft };

function App() {
  const { exit } = useApp();
  const { world, moveCharacterRight, moveCharacterLeft } = useWorld({...});

  useInput((input, key) => {
    if (input === "q") {
    if (key.leftArrow) {
      return moveCharacterLeft();
    if (key.rightArrow) {
      return moveCharacterRight();

  return (
        {, i) => (
          <WorldElement key={`${type}-${i}`} type={type} />


render(<App />);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Resulting in this little fella:

Honestly, it was a tremendous success; many people congratulated me.

thanks for reading 💛.

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