5 Javascript Tips You Should Know

Dawn Zhao - Aug 19 - - Dev Community

Written by Joab Chua

1. Console.log

  • Add colour to your console log

Stop doing just this! ❌

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Try this instead. ✅

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But if you have an array of objects, try this would be even better 😎

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If you want to measure how fast certain operations run in your code, try this.

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Do console.time and console.timeEnd to measure the time taken in the browser console.
Lastly, if you want to trace your code and its execution sequence, try this.

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You will be able to see tonnes of info that you need to debug your application.

2. Object de-structuring

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Did it happened to you before that you only need a few variables in the object but you are being passed the full object and using it in this conventional way?

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Repeatedly using the human object declaration in your function? Don’t do this. Use ES6 object de-structuring instead. ✅

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De-structure the variables that you need to use in the function arguments. Alternatively, you can de-structure inside the function itself.

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3. Template Literal

❌ Don’t do this when you are trying to piece your variables with string.

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Do this instead. ✅
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4. Spread operator

Let’s say you have 2 object and you want to combined them or assign some of the properties of 1 object to another. Traditionally, we will do this.
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There is technically nothing wrong with that, except that you are actually mutating your object. Try this instead. ✅
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Best thing of spread operator is that it works for array as well. 😎
Instead of this.
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Do this instead.
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5. loops

Are you guilty of doing for loop this way to calculate the total amount of the cost in an array? Stop doing this. ❌
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Start to change your style to this instead.
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Clean and lean. Job done! ✅


Hope that these few tips will guide you along to write better, cleaner and leaner code.

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