Coffee to Code?

Martin Baun - Sep 16 - - Dev Community


Go juice, brain juice, java, mud, C8H10N4O2.

(Almost) all practitioners in this industry love coffee.

And I get it, it's hard to be a high performer when you’re feeling groggy all day.

However, it’s important to remember that coffee is still a psychoactive stimulant. In other words, a powerful drug that is known to create unwanted changes in the body.

All is not lost though. I found a method that ensures I don’t require coffee to perform bare minimum functions in my day-to-day and if you join me, who knows, you might not reach for the coffee machine at work -at all!

Cycling (not Quitting) off coffee.

For a bonus, I'll guide you on how to enjoy your Coffee more responsibly.

Coffee makes you narrow-minded

In my experience with coffee, I get a lot done. I’m productive and my focus is clear-cut. Everything’s great, right?

Now, here’s the issue with that.

Yes, you get the things that need to be done, done, but coffee makes you overly fixated. You find yourself failing to think deeper into what you're actually doing. Cycling off coffee will allow you the capacity to think outside of the box and explore your innovation as a programmer, founder, or otherwise.

Instead of hammering away on your desk doing useless tasks, you'll spend your time more constructively.

I cycle off coffee whenever I feel a need to reflect on my life and BaunIt.

Read: Loneliness and Liberation: The Two Ls of Remote Work

It increases your stress levels

Coffee works by putting your body in a state of stress by increasing the cortisol (stress hormone) levels in your body.

Don’t get me wrong. Stress is not necessarily bad, after all, if you don’t stress your body it won’t grow.

But stress must come in the correct doses. Too much, and you develop chronic stress -which will happen when you take coffee for a prolonged period.

You might want to destress and get out of the Coffee a little bit, especially if you have other stressors in your life.

It’s crucial for destressing, relaxing and just getting out of your own head.

Read: Meetings Suck! Make them Great Again!

It is addictive

Studies show that 2-4 mugs of coffee a day is the minimum amount required to fall into caffeine addiction.

Another study revealed that software professionals take 1-5 cups a day.

See where I’m heading?

While understandable, a bad coffee habit will only serve to lower the quality of your life.

And thus, you might want to consider cycling off to prevent a full-blown addiction.

Read: Practical Tips to Maintain Productivity

How can you cycle off coffee?

I cycle off coffee by taking days off. A great place to start is 3 days on and three days off. This way, the consequences of withdrawal such as headache, anxiety, irritability, and low energy levels don't affect you. If you are looking to fully lose your dependence on coffee, try increasing the ratio of days on and off until you are clean.

To add to that, if cycling off coffee is more difficult than you thought it would be, consider cycling on and off. This will make your body better at adapting to and without coffee.

If this is also difficult, keep practicing, and be patient with your body, it will gradually become easier.

Pro tip:
Only get quality coffee.

Even though coffee is generally bad for you, it is better to opt for quality coffee that contains less caffeine and is grown under much better circumstances. Not to mention, the large difference in taste and experience.

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