maryam damagum - Jul 1 - - Dev Community

Angular vs ReactJS

When choosing a particular framework or library, JavaScript has a wide range of options for front-end development. However, Angular and React secure their places at the top of the list as many developers consider them the best front-end development frameworks due to popularity.

React is a front-end JavaScript library that allows you to build user interfaces from reusable UI components. It allows developers to create seamless UX and complex UI.


Angular is an open-source JavaScript front-end framework. It has interactive UIs with data binding.

Angular JS is used to build single-page applications using HTML and TypeScript. While, React JS is commonly used to create user interfaces for single-page applications from isolated components.

Also, React offers an easy debugging process. The code is reusable. It’s easy to learn because of its easy and simple design. It allows developers to migrate an app in React very easily. It supports both Android and iOS platforms. ReactJS is view-oriented. It has faster updates with both server-side and front-end support. It supports a React Native library that offers efficient performance.

Whereas, Angular extends HTML syntax. Angular lets you create reusable components. It offers a single routing option. It has interactive UIs with data binding. Angular extends HTML syntax. With directives, Angular lets you create reusable components.

React.js is mostly used to build interactive UI components with frequently variable data, whereas Angular.js is used to build complex enterprise apps like progressive web apps and single-page apps.

I Expect having the opportunity to use my skills and ability to work in HNG, I also expect to learn new things from my colleagues and mentors.

How I feel about React? I personally don't know ReactJS, I have never used it before. But, from what I read on it and it's various advantages and popularity, I believe it's simple, it will be easy to learn and it will be fun to work with it.
