Too many Chrome tabs 😩💣

Krisztián Maurer - Sep 2 '22 - - Dev Community

You're probably also struggling with too many tabs and you don't close them because you might need something, but if you do, you'd rather open a new tab because you'll find it sooner than if you were to look through the opened tabs. I'm looking for a solution to this because I have this bad habit too.

Maurer Krisztián
Let's see what options we have in chrome:

🔖 Bookmark

This is probably what most people use, I made the mistake that if I wanted to save something quickly, I put it in a bookmark and currently there are 443 page saved without context. I don't use them, if I need something can't find it. There are better solutions for this:
You can create a folder in bookmarks where you can collect the related things. But if you only want to save it because you want to look at it later, there are better ways for this, e.g. "add tab to reading list"

Tab --> right click

✅ add tab to reading list

If you see an article or YouTube video or website that might be interesting but you want to watch/read it later, you can add it to the reading list so you can bring it back at any time, don't need to take up space unnecessarily. It's like a temporal bookmark. And if you've read it, you can mark or delete it.

📌 pin

If you pin a tab, it will remain there even after the browser is restarts.

If there are websites that you open every time you start the browser you can pin them and save time. for example gmail,, twitter etc.

💯 group

You can group the tabs, and toggle the groups depending on which one you use.

For example, if you are working on a bug and you are looking for a solution, you can put all related tabs in that group, and there can be a 'Fun' group next to it, which includes those tabs when you relax, etc. when you're working on that bug, you can hide the other groups and you don't have to search across all tabs. When you're done with the bug, you can close all the tabs that belong to the group with one click. Of course, it's just an example, you can use it in many ways.

Maurer Krisztián

Thank you for reading. 🙏 I'm curious how you manage tabs, please leave a comment with your tip. 🙂

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