Introducing the Passport Management System - A Comprehensive Solution for Passport Management

Md Sazzadul islam - Jun 1 - - Dev Community

Hello community!

I'm thrilled to introduce you to my latest project - the Passport Management System! This Laravel-based application is designed to simplify and streamline the management of passports, medical statuses, payments, and more.


🚀 Features

User Authentication

  • Secure login and registration powered by Laravel Passport.

Passport Management

  • Create, update, and manage passport records with ease.

Medical Status Tracking

  • Track medical statuses and reports for passport holders.


  • Manage payments efficiently and generate detailed payment reports.

Roles and Permissions

  • Utilize fine-grained access control with Spatie Laravel Permission.

Settings Management

  • Easily configure system settings from a user-friendly interface.

🛠️ Getting Started


  • PHP ^8.0.2
  • Composer

Installation Steps

  1. Clone the repository:
   git clone
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  1. Install dependencies:
   composer install
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  1. Copy .env.example to .env and configure your environment variables.
  2. Generate the application key:
   php artisan key:generate
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  1. Create storage link:
   php artisan storage:link
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  1. Import SQL:
   File: passport.sql 
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  1. Start the development server:
   php artisan serve
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📖 Documentation

For more detailed documentation, please visit the GitHub Wiki.

🤝 Contribution

I welcome contributions from the community! Whether it's fixing bugs, adding new features, or improving documentation, your help is greatly appreciated. Here's how you can contribute:

📝 Feedback

Your feedback is invaluable! If you have any suggestions, feature requests, or encounter any issues, please open an issue on GitHub or leave a comment below.

Thank you for checking out the Passport Management System. I hope you find it useful for your projects. Happy coding!

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