Easiest way to install NodeJS

Md. Abdul Wahab - Jun 15 - - Dev Community

N:B: This installation process is for Windows Operating System.

First thing first we're going to download "NodeJS" from this link

After downloading the app just follow those step:

Step-1: Click on the downloaded app:

Step-2: Here click on the next:
Image description

Step-3: Here be alert and check that the agreement point as ticked and agree this click on next:
Image description

Step-4: Keep the directory as default and click on next:
Image description

Step-5: Again click on next:
Image description

Step-6: Select this block which tell that if you select this then it will automatically install all the necessary files and then click on next:
Image description

Step-7: Now click on install:
Image description

Step-8: Here click on finish:

Image description

Now your command prompt will appear and you have to click on any of the key of your keyboard except "Enter" :
Image description

After clicking it will take few minuets to install all the necessary files while this will show up:

Image description

After this installation to check if the "NodeJS" is installed successfully open command prompt and write this code:

node --version
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

It will show the version of NodeJS you have installed.

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now one step to go for finish your NodeJS installation. Write this code as follow:

npm install npm --global
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

And yayyy you are ready to go and create your own ReactJS **or **NodeJS App.

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