Weekly metrics for your GitHub repos with VANITY

Nikolaos Kamarinakis - Apr 3 '20 - - Dev Community


After searching for a way to gather weekly analytics on GitHub repositories and coming empty handed, we decided to build our own solution. So, we developed VANITY.

VANITY sends you a weekly email with a list of your repositories. Each repo is captioned with its latest metrics and a comparison to the previous week's performance.

Example of VANITY's weekly emails

How it works

The entire project is open source and you can check out the source code on VANITY's GitHub repo.

It is powered by the following dependencies and technologies (in no particular order):


There's a lot more that we want to add to VANITY. Here are a few of our ideas:

  • Support for organization repositories
  • More metrics (such as number of opened/closed issues, opened/closed pull requests, and commits)
  • Daily emails

You can keep track of the things we're working on at the VANITY GitHub repository.

What do you think?

We'd love to hear what you think about VANITY, ideas for improvement, and features you want to see! Please, don't hesitate to open an issue or reach out via email.

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