One annoying difference between python versions 3.5 and 3.6

Matt Ellen - Aug 4 '20 - - Dev Community

Back in the ancient time, the olden days, all the way back in March of 2019, there was python 3.5.7.

Back in those days there were no f-strings. No, if you wanted to interpolate your variables into a string the closest you could get to f-strings was this:

circumference = 19
radius = circumference/math.pi/2
area = math.pi*radius*radius
circledata = 'circumference: {circumference}, radius: {radius}, area: {area}'.format(**{'circumference':circumference, 'radius':radius, 'area':area})
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Behold the abomination! What a mess.

Now? Oh now! What a wonder that has been bestowed upon us. THE F-STRING. Behold!

circumference = 19
radius = circumference/math.pi/2
area = math.pi*radius*radius
circledata = f'circumference: {circumference}, radius: {radius}, area: {area}'
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Succinct and marvellous.

Why should I bring this up? Well, upon mine laptop I am blessèd with python 3.7. Yet. YET! My raspberry pi suffers in the gutter, hope lies dashed upon the pavement, with python 3.5.

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