Glam Up My Markup: Beaches

Michael Onyeabo - Jun 7 - - Dev Community

This is a submission for [Frontend Challenge v24.04.17]((, Glam Up My Markup: Beaches

What I Built

I built the web page from the given HTML snippet. The rule is not to edit the HTML source code directly so CSS and JavaScript were my tools in achieving this design.

  • With JavaScript DOM manipulation, I was able to create and insert 3 important elements to the source HTML file.
1. Search Input
2. Images
3. Buttons
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • To make the page interactive, I hid the beach description and showed it whenever the button was clicked.

  • Used CSS and JS to add a little animation to improve user experience.

My goal was to create an interface that is visually appealing, highly functional, and most importantly simple. Enabling users to easily discover and learn about different beaches worldwide.


To access the live link to my project CLICK HERE.

The design

This shows the decription modal on click of the button

The link to my Github repo can be found here.


The entire process was full of ups and downs, to be honest, but I did enjoy exploring my coding creativity. I encountered some hurdles along the way, but I am particularly proud of the simplicity of my design. As a first-time developer, I am really happy with my results and look forward to taking on more future challenges.

This project not only expanded my technical skills but also deepened my understanding and appreciation of the complexities of web development. It was a rewarding journey that challenged me to step out of my comfort zone and enabled me to grow as a developer.
