8 DevOps YouTube Channels Worth Following

Sara Miteva - Jan 13 '21 - - Dev Community

Learning DevOps is an ever-lasting process that involves a lot of changes and adaptations. We keep seeing industry updates that we need to incorporate into our everyday activities. One of the best sources for DevOps news and fun facts is YouTube. By following DevOps YouTube channels, you can find out about industry trends, see how new products work, and get a closer look at some DevOps practices.

These are the 10 DevOps YouTube channels that I think you should follow in 2021:

Bret Fisher Docker and DevOps

Bret Fisher’s channel is a very fun place where you can learn a lot about Docker, containers, Kubernetes, and the cloud. He has some really interesting discussions around topics that interest developers, sysadmins, and many other IT professionals. As he says, his videos are “a bit more fun than what you’re used to for tech videos.”

If you want to become a container expert, you can also check out Bret’s website and enroll in some of his DevOps courses. Here’s one of our favorite videos from his channel:

TechWorld with Nana @techworld_with_nana

This is one of the DevOps YouTube channels where you can get familiar with the core concepts even if you’re a complete beginner. Nana is an Austria-based engineer who focuses on creating content around Kubernetes, Docker, Jenkins, and other DevOps-related technologies. Her videos are very fun and easy to understand.

If you want to get familiar with her you can follow her on Twitter, and also check out her Dev.to blog. One of her greatest posts is her free Kubernetes course. She also made a 3-hour-long Docker tutorial for beginners:

Stephane Maarek @simplesteph

Stephane Maarek’s channel focuses on tutorials and information about Apache Kafka and AWS Cloud. Here, you can find videos about setting up your AWS budget setup, setting up Kafka on Prometheus, AWS solution architecture discussions, Zookeeper, EC2 basics & instances, AWS IAM, and many other topics.

Stephane also has a Data Cumulus website, where you can find various courses to prepare you for AWS Certifications. Moreover, you can learn about Kafka, data engineering, and building APIs. His courses have been passed by over 500k students, many of them saying that the material is engaging and easy to understand.

You can follow Stephane on Twitter or visit his Medium blog. Here’s one of his most popular videos:

KodeKloud @kodekloud

This is a channel by the DevOps learning platform KodeKloud which uses gamified courses to help students get a more engaging learning experience and have fun while learning DevOps. Mostly targeting beginners, KodeKloud offers tutorials on setting up and using Git, installing Kubernetes from scratch, DNS in Linux, Kubernetes architecture, introduction to Docker, OpenShift, Ansible, Puppet, GitLab, networking, etc.

If you want to find out more about KodeKloud, visit their website or follow their Dev.to blog. Here’s their complete Docker for beginners free course:

Jeff Geerling

Jeff Geerling’s channel has over 100k subscribers interested in Kubernetes, Ansible, Rapsberry Pi, GitHub, and other tech-related subjects. I personally really liked his explanation from a few weeks ago when Kubernetes announced its Docker deprecation:

He also has the Kubernetes 101 series, where he regularly streams tutorials on various Kubernetes-related topics like containers, DNS, TLS, Drupal, etc.

For more information, you can follow Jeff on Twitter and check out his blog.


This is the YouTube channel by Dave Cohen, an experienced DevOps engineer who currently works at HashiCorp. He has over 10 years of experience working at various engineering positions, including web security engineer, datacenter architect, web developer, and site reliability engineer.

He started making videos for his friend who wanted to start a tech career. Today, the channel has over 150k subscribers and over 10 million views. In the videos, Dave covers topics such as DevOps, Linux, Kubernetes, Terraform, Git, Apache, Python, etc. In addition to the technical subjects, he also talks a lot about having a tech career, offering valuable advice to everyone who wants to embark on this journey or improve their current skills.

To find out more, visit the tutoriaLinux site, or follow Dave on Twitter.

Gaurav Sen

Gaurav Sen’s channel offers various tutorials on system design-related topics, including microservices, API, databases, event-driven systems, load balancing, bloom filters, etc. The most interesting thing about this channel is that it contains a lot of explanations about the architecture and design of apps we use every day, like WhatsApp, Instagram, Netflix, and Tinder.

For those interested in learning more about system design, Gaurav has created a comprehensive system design course. You can also follow Gaurav on Twitter. Here’s one of the most popular videos on the channel about the system design of WhatsApp:

DevOps Directive

DevOps Directive is a very fresh YouTube channel, active since February 2020. With this channel, Sid wants to help developers keep track with the ever-evolving DevOps industry, providing video tutorials, interviews, live streams, and initiating open-source projects. In his videos, he covers topics such as Kubernetes, databases, Infrastructure as Code, CI/CD, networking, cloud providers, monitoring, and career advice.

Considering the practical tips Sid is sharing, I believe that this channel is going to become very popular in the following period. He also posts more content on his website, and you can follow him on Twitter. Here are his favorite DevOps YouTube channels:

Here are even more DevOps resources for beginners & advanced.*

You’ve reached the end of my DevOps YouTube channels list. If you have more suggestions, don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments. Thanks for reading :)

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